
Microsoft may allow devices without TPM 2.0 to install Windows 11, PC health check app update is on the way

Yesterday Microsoft announced the next generation of Windows - Windows 11. In addition, a new article has appeared on the Windows Insider blog that tells about the company's plans to test the latest OS. The company also introduced Windows 11 PC Health Check app, which is designed to tell you if your PC is compatible with Windows 11 or not.

Windows 11: 24 months of support and one major update per year

During the Windows 11 presentation live stream, Microsoft briefly mentioned improvements to how Windows updates work. The company wants to entice migration to Windows 11, free for existing Windows 10 users, by simplifying updates the OS will be getting. After the even, Microsoft published a more detailed document that reveals some curious changes in Windows Update mechanisms and policies.

Windows 11: first public build coming next week

Microsoft has officially announced the Windows 11 operating system, which has received a huge number of changes, including the new appearance of the system. A new blog post in the Windows Insider program says that the first build of Windows 11 will be released for testing next week. However, there have been some changes in the testing program that you need to know about.

Removed and deprecated features in Windows 11

Windows 11 is bringing lots of new features to Microsoft's OS. Users will get better performance, significantly improved UI (at least at a glance,) better productivity tools, Android app support, an all-new Store, and many more. As it is usual with every major feature update, new Windows versions take some capabilities away. While lists of removed and deprecated features for Windows 10 updates have been mostly small and insignificant, Windows 11 changes quite a chunk of existing features.

Windows 11 gets an all-new Microsoft Store

Later this year, Microsoft will release Windows 11, a new operating system for more than a billion PCs. Alongside Windows 11, Microsoft will launch an all-new Microsoft Store. Apart from being significantly restyled, the new Microsoft Store brings tons of new policies for third-party developers. Those policies will make submitting and maintaining apps in the Microsoft Store much easier and help developers get more money from their projects.

Widgets in Windows 11 is an extensible AI-powered feed

Winaero readers and Windows enthusiasts already know that Windows 11 comes with a brand new Widgets feature, which is the infamous News and Interests flyout on steroids. Widgets do not appear in the taskbar, instead they run into their own glassy area which can be opened with a hotkey, taskbar button, and swipe from the left.

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