
Windows 11 hardware requirements, 32-bit Windows is no longer a thing

On June 24, 2021, Microsoft unveiled Windows 11 - "the next generation" of Windows. Although we do not have an exact launch date nor the first official build to test, here are Windows 11 minimum hardware requirements. These will let you check whether your computer can run Windows 11 when it comes out somewhere later this year.

Windows 11 will be able to run Android apps

During the curretly ongoing online event, Microsoft announced that Windows 11 will be able to run Android apps natively. In fact, this is not surprising, as we all heard about this upcoming here and there. Finally, the presentation shed some light on this. Now we know that Amazon App store will serve as the app source for the next generation of Windows.

Windows 11 is getting a shiny new modern volume slider

We already know a lot of stuff about the upcoming Windows 11. A recently leaked build revealed some significant changes to the taskbar, Start menu, sounds, windows management, etc. Still, there is so much more to come. Microsoft is about to unveil Windows 11 and all the details about the operating system during the June 24 event, but users are already digging out new and hidden things in the new OS. One of such currently concealed things is an ill-fated volume slider.

Windows 11 may be getting the ‘Wake on Touch’ feature

Wake on Touch is a feature that nowadays comes as standard with almost any modern smartphone. It allows waking a phone or tablet with a mere tap on a screen without pressing physical buttons. Back in the day, Nokia debuted the Wake on Touch (double tap, to be precise) feature in its Lumia smartphone series, and since then, it became a new default that makes using a phone or tablet much easier. Now, it looks like Wake on Touch is finally coming to Windows tables. Enthusiasts managed to dig out some references to that feature in a recently leaked build of Windows 11.

Windows 11 may get support for third-party desktop widgets

Several days ago, somebody at Microsoft spilled the beans by leaking a pre-release build of the upcoming Windows 11, aka "the next generation of Windows." The leaked build 21996 revealed some curious UI and feature changes coming to Windows, for example, a centered taskbar and a brand-new Start menu. Besides, there is a new mysterious Widgets button.

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