The Telegram messenger has finally received the ability to make video calls. The alpha version of the feature is now available on Android, and is advertised as an encrypted secure connection between participants. Continue reading "Telegram has got video call support"
Category: Software
Windows Terminal Preview v1.2.2234.0 and Stable 1.1.2233.0 Released
The team behind the Windows Terminal has released a maintenance update to the app. Windows Terminal Preview v1.2.2234.0 brought several fixes for most annoying bugs. There is also an update for the stable version of the app delivered with version 1.1.2233.0. Continue reading "Windows Terminal Preview v1.2.2234.0 and Stable 1.1.2233.0 Released"
Thunderbird 78.1.1 released with a number of fixes
Shortly after Thunderbird 78, a new minor update is released by the team behind this excellent mail app. It features upgrade issues for users who install it over Thunderbird 68, including the blank message preview bug, and also includes a portion of other important changes and fixes. Continue reading "Thunderbird 78.1.1 released with a number of fixes"
PowerToys 0.20.1 released, featuring a few bugfixes
Microsoft has released a new version of Windows PowerToys. The update version is 0.20.1, and includes a few fixes and improvements. Continue reading "PowerToys 0.20.1 released, featuring a few bugfixes"
Microsoft may rebrand Bing to Microsoft Bing, and change its logo once again
Just recently, Microsoft has updated Bing with a new logo, and it looks like the Redmond company is not satisfied with its branding. One more change is coming to Bing. Currently, Microsoft is experimenting with a new name for the service, and with a new logo for it again. Continue reading "Microsoft may rebrand Bing to Microsoft Bing, and change its logo once again"
Microsoft discontinues Cortana on Mobile, and Surface Headphones
An updated support document for Cortana reveals the changes coming for the digital assistant in the U.S.. Microsoft will end support for Cortana on mobile, the Invoke smart speaker, and Surface Headphones. The company says that it is adjusting the “focus areas of innovation and development to give our customers assistance where they need it most”. Continue reading "Microsoft discontinues Cortana on Mobile, and Surface Headphones"
Thunderbird 78.1.0 is out, here’s what’s new
Shortly after Thunderbird 78, a new minor update is released by the team behind this excellent mail app. It features a couple of new features, including a feature-complete implementation of OpenPGP, and number of fixes and improvements. Continue reading "Thunderbird 78.1.0 is out, here’s what’s new"
Microsoft has released PowerToys 0.20 with a new Color Picker tool
As you may remember, Microsoft was about to include a new Color Picker tool to Windows PowerToys. This has happened today, with release of PowerToys 0.20. Continue reading "Microsoft has released PowerToys 0.20 with a new Color Picker tool"
The latest Telegram update allows sending 2GB files, setting profile videos, and more
The Telegram app has received a new set of features with the latest update, including the file size limit lifted from 1.5 GB to 2 GB per a file of any type, more animated emoji, support for multiple accounts on Telegram Desktop, and more. Continue reading "The latest Telegram update allows sending 2GB files, setting profile videos, and more"
Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 Released
The team behind the Windows Terminal has announced a new preview release of the app. The new preview version 1.2 has new features for version 1.2 which will appear in Windows Terminal in August. There is a new Focus mode feature, Always on Top, new commands, and much more. Continue reading "Windows Terminal Preview 1.2 Released"