
Skype Preview for Desktop brings a new look to non-Windows 10 PCs

Skype was a well-loved app before the Microsoft acquisition. But lately, the Skype app experience has been frustrating for most of its users. Even now, according to reviews in various mobile app stores where Skype is available, there are only a handful of people who say they like Microsoft's latest redesign attempts. Regardless, the same changes are coming to the Universal Windows Platform version of the app for Windows 10 and for the Windows 7/8.1 desktop version as well .

Skype dead on Windows RT, Phone and TVs starting July 2017

After announcing that Skype for Linux will be retired in favor of the newly developed, completely different Skype beta client for Linux, Microsoft has also announced that some Skype clients for the Windows platform will stop working on July 1, 2017. This will impact Skype users on Windows Phone (8 and 8.1) and Windows RT devices, as well as TVs and users of the Skype Messaging app integration in Windows 10 Mobile.

Skype UWP app is now available to Xbox One users

Earlier this week, Microsoft finally ditched the preview branding for its Universal Skype app after almost a year in testing. The app is available to Windows 10 users on both PC and Mobile, but the third platform with Universal app support, Xbox One, was lacking an updated Skype client. Well, not anymore: Microsoft has made its app available for every Xbox One user to install and try out.

Universal Skype app is finally out of preview

It's been more than a year since the first preview version of Skype's Universal Windows app was introduced. Earlier this March, Microsoft finally ditched the Skype Preview branding in one of the updated releases for Insider Program participants. After some additional testing, it's now available for everyone on Windows 10. The update is also bringing some new features to users of the production builds, including some calling and messaging improvements.

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