
Days of Google Play Music are over, it will be replaced by YouTube Music

Google has announced that the company is finally discontinuing their Play Music app and service. The users will no longer be able to buy new music, and are advised to transfer their library to YouTube Music, a new service that Google actively promotes.

Get View Image Button In Google Image Search

As you may already know, Google has recently removed the ability to open images directly from image search results. Many users find this change very inconvenient. Here are a browser extension which can revive the missing functionality in Google's image search results.

Google is now a member of the .NET Foundation

The Microsoft Connect(); // 2016 developers event happened this Wednesday and some interesting announcements were made there. One of them is that Google is now a member of the .NET Foundation and will expand .NET support in its services, including the Google Cloud Platform. Google has already been one of the most active contributors even before joining the .NET Foundation for the past two years and now will be more involved in developing the future of .NET.

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