
Enable Windows 10X Boot Logo Animation in Windows 10

You can now enable the Windows 10X boot logo animation in Windows 10, in regular desktop versions. The boot animation in Windows 10X looks different from what we have these days in desktop OS editions. It features a WinUI 3 spinning circle instead of Win8-like style circles.

Here is how Windows 10 Sun Valley context menus look like

A few months ago, Microsoft began working on a project, codenamed Sun Valley, which aims to bring a new appearance to Windows 10 and add a number of new features. To name a few, rounded corners are coming for buttons, windows, and other controls, including the Start menu, Action Center and built-in apps. We can now check out how Sun Valley context menus look like.

Listen to Microphone with Playback Device in Windows 10

How to Listen to Microphone with Playback Device in Windows 10

You can listen to your microphone with available audio playback devices. This can be useful in a number of situations. E.g. when you need to test your microphone or its input jack, or when you have connected some other devices to the microphone input of your computer.

Microsoft is fixing a bug that very easily corrupts NTFS

There is a long-standing bug in Windows that damages the file system with a variety of actions. A single command, a malformed HTML file, or even a shortcut that you see in a ZIP archive can corrupt the file system. Windows 10, starting with version 1803, and reportedly Windows 8/8.1 are among the vulnerable operating systems.

Windows 10X: new Start, Boot Logo, Sounds, OOBE, Anti-theft Protection

A leak of a Windows 10X build reveals new interface improvements made by Microsoft in Windows 10X. As we know now, Windows 10X will only be available on new devices. However, Microsoft hosts its files on their servers. So that made it possible for us all to see what is coming.

Windows 10 Sun Valley: New Start, Taskbar, Flyouts and features

The major UI change, known as 'Sun Valley', is probably the change most people are looking forward to in Windows 10, considering the operating system's entire lifecycle so far. It is expected to become available in the second half of 2021, and it should revive the desktop OS with impressive changes.

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