I am releasing a new version of Winaero Tweaker. Traditionally, there are some fixes and updates, as well as new features. It now can properly recognize Windows 11 22H2 and its successor. Also on Windows 11, it will allow you to show tray icons on two or three rows, enable stickers, remove the Spotlight icon from Desktop, remove "add to favorites" from context menu, and more. There are also new features for other Windows versions.
What's new in Winaero Tweaker 1.40
- The app now properly detects Windows 11 version 22H2.
- I've changed how it shows the available memory size.
- You can now use it to remove the Add to favorites item from the context menu.
- Also, when you remove "Open in Terminal" from the context menu using Winaero Tweaker, it now also removes the "Open in Terminal Preview" command if you have the latter installed.
- If you set Windows Spotlight as your desktop background, you can remove its icon from the desktop.
- Using Winaero Tweaker 1.40, you can make the taskbar show tray icons in two or three rows.
- I have updated the "Disable SmartScreen" to disable it for Store apps.
- You can now enable the "Desktop Stickers" hidden feature in Windows 11 22H2+.
- There is an option to enable Recycle Bin for removable drives.
- The option to disable Windows ads has been updated to work properly in Windows 11.
- I have added the "Restart Explorer" option to Tools in Winaero Tweaker. Sometimes I need to restart it quickly. Maybe some of you will also find the new option useful.
Other changes
In Windows 11 version 22H2 the ability to re-enable the ribbon UI in File Explorer has gone. Also in this version, Microsoft doesn't allow to move the newer taskbar from the bottom. So I am hiding these options on 22H2+.
Finally, I have done general fixes and improvements which doesn't change anything in the UI of the app. For example, "Disable Web Search" requires you to sign out from your user account, but Tweaker didn't show the request.
Download Winaero Tweaker 1.40
You can download Winaero Tweaker using the following links.
- Download Winaero Tweaker from Winaero
- Download Winaero Tweaker from the official mirror.
- Download Winaero Tweaker from our Telegram channel <-- I always upload the app to the Telegram for your convenience.
Other resources.
Release History | The list of Winaero Tweaker features | Winaero Tweaker FAQ
Thanks to everyone involved in this release, and special thanks to every single Winaero Tweaker user. Let's stay sane during this crazy time.
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Sergey the official mirror is still on WinaeroTweaker-!
Let me guess – are you using Edge?
Try Ctrl + Shift + R while on the mirror website. Or try with a different browser if you have one.
I have used Winaero Tweaker for years, maybe even from day 1. I think it is the best Tweaker for Windows there is, and I have tried most of them, as you do. So I just want to say, thanks for the tool Mr Tkachenco.
thank you very much. happy to hear.
Hi Sergey Love your tweak program however your latest one v1.40 my antiviral deletes the .exe file
I have Kaspersky
Event: Object deleted
User type: System user
Application name: explorer.exe
Application path: C:\Windows
Component: File Anti-Virus
Result description: Deleted
Name: UDS:DangerousObject.Multi.Generic
Precision: Exactly
Threat level: High
Object type: File
Object name: WinaeroTweaker.exe
Object path: D:\Winaero Tweaker v1.40\Winaero Tweaker
MD5: 6BB0AB3BCD076A01605F291B23AC11BA
Thank You
Thanks for the report. Unfortunately, I have no idea what I can do about it. Asking Kaspersky to whitelist it everytime I release a new version is a bad idea
Hi Sergey,
Awesome release as always. Appreciate your efforts.
Just want to let you know that Kaspersky is flagging this release as Trojan.
I see, thank you.
Hello. Thanks for the update. A few minor issues. If you could fix the typo in “Enable Recycle Bin for removable drivers”. Also, I do not see restart explorer in the tools menu. Only Settings is present. I’m on Windows 10.
Thanks for the report. I will look right now.
Ah! It is in “Tools” on the left. I should rename the menu item to avoid confusion.
See: https://i.imgur.com/8vctQWP.png
Hi again, Yeah I see. Thank you!
Hi Sergey. Suggestion: Option to remove “Format” from the context menu for drives.
It will be great, if you can do that.
Thank you. I think it will be easy.
Enabling Winaero 1.40 Classic Taskbar in 11 Insider 22H2 still causes Explorer to crash on 2 PCs. That kills the ability to connect with other PCs in my home network. Disabling Classic Taskbar restores usable connections as well as permitting other Explorer functions.
I think it is time to bury this tweak in the app. I never liked how it works.
can this application activate hidden features such as tabs for explorer?
Nope. But there’s vivetool for that.
“Unblock Downloaded Files Context Menu” no longer works properly on my system. When clicking it from a file’s context menu, Windows opens the “Open with” menu. After hitting ESC to exit the “Open with” menu, it will unblock some files like “.exe” extensions, but it doesn’t unblock others like- “winaerotweaker.zip” downloaded from here, for example. I don’t have another pc to check if this is only my system or not, so does anyone else have this issue?
-Win 10 Pro 21H2 OS build 19044.1766
As an addition/tagalong to this
Importing reports success but when you check on the entry its unchecked and not in the context menu
I need to “Disable” Auto Arrange and or Group “None” in Large icon view for all File Explorer folders and files. I need them to stay in the same order, sorting, and placement within the window that I left them! I have the latest Windows 10 build 19044.1826 (as of today 7/30/22) will Winaero Tweaker do this for me?
Cool! I’d like to share it
But this tool doesn’t have other languages, and my friends have to translate one by one…
So can you add some other languages please? (Google Translate also OK)
Such a shame that 22H2 won’t allow us to move the taskbar location anymore!
I would like the parent explorer back again, I can’t find that option – “Enable Ribbon”.?
It has gone from 22H2
как обновить или переустановить программу с сохранением настроек?
Просто поставить её поверх имеющейся
Hi, after switching on the Classic Taskbar toggle, the Start menu and Windows Explorer isn’t opening. Please help me as I cannot use my laptop without accessing my files and folders
Disable the Classic Taskbar toggle.
It no longer works in 22H2.
Run Task Manager (ctrl + shift + esc) and and click on “new task”, then open the winaerotweaker.exe file, and remove the check mark.
Thats too bad, since the major feature for me was the classic taskbar so i can have it, well not at the bottom.
I rolled back and that fixed it. Any chance of it getting updated and fixed for next version?
Hi Sergey,
I have tried using both Tweaker and your standalone reg files to add new file context menu. I was interested in .ps1. Both methods do not work on W1indows 11 22623.1095. Tested .vbs as well with Tweaker and that doesn’t work either. Seems something is generally broken.
Any ideas?
Hi, I need to test this myself.
Thanks for specifying your OS build number.
Any update on this?
Windows 11 v22H2.
VBS works
PS1 doesn’t work.
Let us know if you find a fix Sergey.
Feature Request:
Easy identification of which tweaks are system wide vs user.
I setup account, applied tweak import, created new user, not all settings applied.
I simply applied them again, but it would be nice to have a system vs existing user understanding*
*Bonus Request, the ability to chose which one is applied.
Hi Sergey – First let me tell you I don’t know much about computers as far as working on them. I had to get another computer so I need to add the 7 games from windows 7. So do all I have to do is click that one link at the top? I didn’t understand all the other comments so didn’t know if I should just download that link. Thank you
Sorry this is Denise again. I’m trying to add the windows free games from windows 7 to windows 11. I see a download to add it to windows 10 but need it for windows 11..Don’t know what website it’s asking me to use below.
Here you go https://win7games.com/#games
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. You helped me the last time and it’s so appreciated. I usually don’t like reaching out to other people but you’ve been around a long time and so I trust you. Once again thank you. I’m old and I LOVE those free games. LOL
You are most welcome. Sadly, I am also not very young.