
Reduce extra space between icons on the taskbar and tray notification area

Ever since Windows 7 got released, the Windows desktop has had a redesigned Taskbar which is also designed for multi-touch. The icons are larger on the Taskbar so they're easier to access using touch and they are spaced wider apart. The notification area icons (the small ones in the system tray) are also spaced much farther apart than they were in previous versions of Windows. While this definitely makes them easier to access, they do waste a lot of space. Let us see how we can reduce the space between the icons on the taskbar as well as the icons in the notification area.

Customization for power users with 7+ Taskbar Tweaker

In an earlier article, we became familiar with how we can make the taskbar in Windows 8.1, Windows 8 and Windows 7 work like the classic XP taskbar using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. It also includes some extra customizations for advanced users which we will look at today.

Get a classic taskbar in Windows 8 and Windows 7 that works like XP

Ever since Microsoft redesigned the taskbar in Windows 7 and simply declared it as a superior one, long-time users of Windows have been frustrated at being unable to use it the way they were accustomed to in classic versions of Windows. Not only did the reimagined taskbar change the design of many features without giving any choice but it also eliminated some features of the classic Taskbar. Let us see how we can make the new Taskbar work exactly like the good, old classic Taskbar. You will need to install a free third party program.

How to set a folder view in Explorer for all folders – List, Details, Tiles, Small or Large Icons

If you use the built-in file manager in Windows, Windows Explorer, you will realize that it has a feature to remember each folder's view setting. Unfortunately, it is not explained very properly by Microsoft and some changes were made in modern Windows versions which make it even more confusing for end users. We constantly get this question asked by our readers - is there any way to make Windows Explorer set a desired view for all folders and then remember it? Let us explore how to do that.

How to disable Metro toast notifications on the Desktop

With Windows 8, Microsoft has introduced a new notification system: instead of balloon tooltips in the tray, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 use toast notifications, which appear on the right side of the screen and fade away after some time.

windows 8.1 toast notificationsSuch kind of notifications perfectly fit the Modern UI of Windows 8, which has a flat and touch friendly design. However, the classic Desktop is another story. These new toast notifications look out of place on the Desktop. In this article,  we will look at how we can disable Metro toast notifications on the Desktop.

How to enable 64-bit Internet Explorer processes

As you may be knowing, 64-bit editions of Windows include 32-bit Internet Explorer as well as a 64-bit version. This has been the case since Windows XP Professional x64 Edition and the reason that both editions are included is for compatibility with addons. When 64-bit IE was first introduced, most addons like Flash Player, Java, and most ActiveX controls were 32-bit only. 32-bit addons cannot work with 64-bit IE, that's why Microsoft bundled both x86 and x64 IE versions. Users could easily open whichever IE they wanted but this changed with Internet Explorer 10. Let us see how.

Fix: A line shows below Explorer’s address bar after disabling Ribbon in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8

Recently one user of our own Ribbon Disabler app faced an issue with Explorer: after disabling the ribbon, there was an unwanted extra line showing below the address bar:

unwatned lineIn the screenshot above, you can see a custom theme installed on Windows 8.1, the Base VS. So the question arises whether the line appeared due to a bug in Ribbon Disabler or it was some Windows Explorer issue. Being eager to fix the issue myself and make sure there was no bug in Winaero Ribbon Disabler, I investigated further.

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