I have been asked many times by my friends who bought a Windows 8 tablet on how to open the Desktop context menu. Even for people who're familiar with using the touchscreen UI, the Desktop side in Windows 8 is confusing. It's very easy to access the context menu of the Desktop or any other object in File Explorer.
How to repair Windows Update in Windows 8.1 if it does not work properly
After an improper shutdown, crash, something gone wrong with your Registry or power failure, Windows Update can fail to work properly. It may fail to check for updates or fail to install them, or sometimes, it cannot be opened at all. In this article, I will show you how to reset the state of Windows Update and its components if it stops working.
Daily Bing #15 theme for Windows 8
How to manage WordPress comments from a mobile touchscreen device
Few days ago, a friend of mine, Vadim Sterkin requested a little plugin from me to manage Wordpress from a mobile device. This can be useful for anyone who tries to manage (approve, remove etc) comments from his tablet. Vadim is the happy owner of a Windows 8 tablet and he has a blog too. He planned to manage the blog from his tablet but this annoyance bothered him: it is hard to manage WordPress comments without a mouse. Let me explain why.
Where is the ‘ad hoc’ wireless connection feature in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
If you 'upgraded' from Windows 7 to Windows 8 or directly to Windows 8.1, you might have noticed that ad hoc Wi-Fi (computer-computer) connections are no longer available. The user interface for setting up an ad hoc connection does not exist any more in the Network and Sharing Center. This can be a bit disappointing. However, with Windows 7 itself, a substitute feature was introduced which is a better replacement for ad hoc wireless connections.
Download Visible Comments Actions for WordPress
Visible Comments Actions for WordPress.
How to change the location of SkyDrive files in Windows 8.1
In Windows 8.1, Microsoft improved the SkyDrive integration with the OS and moved the SkyDrive folder from "Favorites" to a separate item in the navigation pane of Explorer. If you decided to use the Microsoft account as a way of signing in, SkyDrive will be automatically enabled as well as synchronization of settings to SkyDrive. So, you don't need a separate desktop client for SkyDrive any more.
By default, Windows stores your SkyDrive files in a folder located inside your user profile on your system drive, e.g. C:\User\Sergey\SkyDrive. This can become troublesome if you run out of free space of you system drive or if you have large amounts of data stored on SkyDrive's cloud storage. In such a situation, you might want to move the SkyDrive files to another location.
Nature HD#8 theme for Windows 8
How to limit the Lock Screen Slideshow duration in Windows 8.1
Windows 8.1 has a new fancy feature called Lock Screen Slideshow which allows you to play a slideshow of images from your pictures library and SkyDrive too when you lock your PC/Tablet. Let's revisit the past for a moment , and you will see that this feature (formerly known as "Picture frame") had many tweakable parameters. Unfortunately, most of them are no longer applicable to Windows 8.1 RTM, however, there is one tweak still available for the Lock Screen.
With this simple tweak you will be able to limit the time for which the slideshow plays.