
How To Install Fonts From Microsoft Store In Windows 10

Along with language packs, Microsoft has made fonts available in the Store. This will allow users to download them exactly the same way they download games and apps. Today, we will see how it can be done.

Create Text Services and Input Languages Shortcut in Windows 10

Recent Windows 10 builds come with a new "Region & Language" page in the Settings app. It completely replaces the classic "Language" applet of Control Panel, which is removed starting with Windows 10 Build 17063. The new page allows users to change the display language, text-to-speech, speech recognition, and handwriting options. Here is how to create a special "Text Services and Input Languages" shortcut to open the classic applet directly with one click.

How to Play the Shutdown Sound in Windows 10

Older Windows versions were able to play a startup sound, a separate logon sound. A sound could also play when Windows logs off or when it shuts down. The user could assign all these sounds from Control Panel -> Sound. Starting with Windows 8, sounds for these events have been eliminated almost entirely. Let's see how to play the shutdown sound in Windows 10.

How to Play the Logon Sound in Windows 10

Every release of Windows since as far back as I can remember (Windows 3.1) has played a welcome sound at startup. In Windows NT-based systems, there is a startup sound as well as separate logon sound. A sound could also play when Windows logs off or when it shuts down. The user could assign all these sounds from Control Panel -> Sound. Starting with Windows 8, sounds for these events have been eliminated almost entirely. Let's see how to play the logon sound in Windows 10.

Disable Period After Double Space for Touch Keyboard in Windows 10

Windows 10 includes a touch keyboard for computers and tablets with a touch screen. When you touch any text field on your tablet, the touch keyboard appears on the screen. If you don't have a touch screen, you can still launch it. You can prevent Windows 10 from adding a period automatically after tapping the space bar twice.

Enable Language Bar in Windows 10 (classic Language Icon)

In Windows 7, there is a compact language indicator, which is located near the system tray (notification area) and comes with an optional language bar. Unlike Windows 7, Windows 10 comes with a different indicator for languages. It occupies more space on the taskbar and is designed for touch screens. Starting with Windows 10 build 17074, the Language options were moved from the Control Panel to the Settings app. Here is how to use Settings to enable the language bar.

Make Scroll Bars Always Visible in Windows 10 Store Apps

Starting with Windows 10 Build 17083, there is a new option that allows making scroll bars always stay visible in Store apps. By default, the operating system hides scroll bars when they are not hovered over with the mouse pointer.

Enable or Disable Color Filters Hotkey in Windows 10

Windows 10 includes Color Filters as part of the Ease of Access system. They improve usability of the operating system for people with various vision issues. Color filters work at the system level, so all installed software including third-party apps and built-in Windows apps will follow them.  You can enable color filters with a hotkey.

How to Enable Diagnostic Data Viewer in Windows 10

As you may already know, Windows 10 comes with a telemetry and data collection feature. It collects a lot of diagnostic data and sends it to Microsoft. According to the company, this data is used to improve the product's quality and the user experience. Diagnostic Data Viewer is a special tool that they have recently added which allows viewing what data will be sent to Microsoft. Here is how to enable it.

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