
How to Lock or Unlock Taskbar in Windows 10

The taskbar is the classic user interface element in Windows. First introduced in Windows 95, it exists in all Windows versions released after it. The main idea behind the taskbar is to provide a useful tool which shows a list of running apps and open windows as tasks so you can switch quickly between them. The user can lock the taskbar to prevent its accidental moving or modification. Here is how to lock or unlock the taskbar in Windows 10.

Windows 10 is Getting Store Apps with Multi-Instance support, UWP console apps and broader file system access

Microsoft has announced support for UWP console apps, the ability to launch multiple instances of a Store app and broader file-system access with the next major release of Windows 10, known as version 1803 or Redstone 4.

Disable People Bar in Windows 10 With Group Policy

Starting with Windows 10 build 16184, Windows 10 includes the My People feature. It adds a special icon to the notification area of your taskbar and allows pinning your contacts directly to the taskbar, so you can start messaging, call or compose an email just with one click.

Disable Context Menus in the Start Menu in Windows 10

Starting in Windows 10 Build 17083, you can disable the context menus for apps and tiles in the Start menu for all users. There is a new Group Policy option that allows applying the restriction to the Start menu, so users won't be able to open the context menu for the Start menu items.

Remove Recently Added Apps From Start Menu In Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a completely reworked Start menu, which combines Live Tiles introduced in Windows 8 with classic app shortcuts. It has an adaptive design and can be used on displays with various sizes and resolutions. In this article, we'll see how to remove the recently added app list from the Start menu in Windows 10.

Disable App Access To Messaging In Windows 10

Messaging privacy settings is part of the Settings application which allows you to customize your SMS and MMS access permissions for apps and users. Recent Windows 10 builds can be configured to allow or deny access to your messaging data for installed apps and the operating system itself. Only if allowed, the OS and installed apps will be able to read it.

Change Taskbar Button Width in Windows 10

The taskbar is the classic user interface element in Windows. First introduced in Windows 95, it exists in all Windows versions released after it. The main idea behind the taskbar is to provide a useful tool which shows a list of running apps and open windows as tasks so you can switch quickly between them. In this article, we will see how to change the width of the taskbar buttons in Windows 10.

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