
Here’s why you have to switch to Vivaldi browser right NOW

These days, all mainstream browsers look the same. They have a very simplified look, have a very limited set of basic features without any deeper customization, hide essential features behind hidden options, or entirely lack them. Most of them require you to install a number of add-ons to make them work as you want. Thankfully, things are different when it comes to Vivaldi.

Vivaldi 2.12 Introduces Tracking Blocker (Dev Snapshot 1838.3)

A new developer snapshot of the innovative Vivaldi web browser includes extra options to keep your privacy safe. Today's version 2.12.1838.3 includes Tracker Blocker, along with improvements made to the Spatial Navigation feature.

Vivaldi Android Snapshot 1795.3 Features Speed Dial Improvements

Some time ago the team behind the innovative Vivaldi browser launched a counterpart project for Android. The browser is now available as a beta app on Google Play. Also, devs release snapshots for Android, which include all the bleeding edge changes.

Vivaldi on Android Has Reached Beta 2, Here’s What’s New

Some time ago the team behind the innovative Vivaldi browser launched a counterpart project for Android. The browser is now available as a beta app on Google Play. A new beta version of the browser is released with a number of useful changes and improvements.

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