
View Recommended Troubleshooting History in Windows 10

To fix various problems with the OS, Windows 10 comes with a number of built-in troubleshooters. Sometimes they are really useful and can resolve the issue quickly. Starting in Windows 10 build 17704, Microsoft introduced the ability to automatically apply the recommended troubleshooting fixes for known problems. Here is how to view the recommended troubleshooting history in Windows 10.


In Windows 10, Microsoft has added all the available troubleshooters to the Settings app. The link from the classic Control Panel also opens the new Settings page.

Troubleshooters in Windows 10

To run a troubleshooter in Windows 10, you can use a new page in the Settings app. You will find them under Settings \ Update & security \ Troubleshoot.

Windows 10 Troubleshoot Page In Settings

The following troubleshooters are available.

  • Internet connections
  • Playing Audio
  • Printer
  • Windows Update
  • Blue Screen
  • Bluetooth
  • Hardware and Devices
  • HomeGroup
  • Incoming Connections
  • Keyboard
  • Network Adapter
  • Power
  • Program Compatibility Troubleshooter
  • Recording Audio
  • Search and Indexing
  • Shared Folders
  • Speech
  • Video Playback
  • Windows Store Apps

The new Automatic Recommended Troubleshooting feature saves the history of applied improvements and fixes. Here is how to see it.

To view the Automatic Recommended Troubleshooting historyin Windows 10, do the following.

  1. Open the Settings app. Windows 10 Creators Update Settings 15019
  2. Navigate to Update & security -> Troubleshoot.
  3. On the right, click on the link View history under Recommended troubleshootingWindows 10 View Recommended Troubleshooting History
  4. You will now see the recommended troubleshooting history (if available).

Tip: If the new Automatic Recommended Troubleshooting feature doesn't work properly for you or gives issues, you can disable it. There are two methods you can use. First of all, you can disable it in Settings using the option under the Recommended Troubleshooting section mentioned above. Alternatively, you can disable it with a Registry tweak.

Go to the key


There, modify or create a new 32-Bit DWORD value UserPreference. Supported values: 1  - enabled, 3  - disabled.

For reference, see the following article:

Disable Automatic Recommended Troubleshooting in Windows 10

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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