Disable Unix Line Endings Support in Windows Notepad

Notepad is one of the classic Windows apps that Microsoft updates rarely. Starting in Windows 10 Build 17661, Microsoft has made one improvement to the app. It now recognizes Unix line endings, so you can view and edit Unix/Linux files with Notepad. There’s a chance that this new behavior may not work for your scenarios, or you may prefer to disable this new behavior and return to Notepad’s original behavior. Here is how.

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Notepad To Support Unix Line Endings

Notepad is one of the classic Windows apps that Microsoft updates rarely. The last time it was updated was with Windows 2000, almost 20 years ago, with the ability to use hotkeys and Unicode support. Now, in Windows 10 Build 17661, Microsoft has made one silent improvement to the app. It now recognizes Unix line endings.
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Enable Print Screen Key to Launch Screen Snipping in Windows 10

Starting with Windows 10 build 17661, currently referred to as "Redstone 5", Microsoft implemented a new option - screen snipping. A new Screen Snip feature has been added to Windows 10 to quickly snip and share a screenshot. You can use the Print Screen key to launch screen snipping. Here is how.

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Take a Screenshot with Screen Snip in Windows 10

In the upcoming Windows 10 version, currently referred to as "Redstone 5", Microsoft is going to rework the built-in tools for taking screenshots. The recently released build 17661 comes with a new Screen Snip feature that has been added to Windows 10 to quickly snip and share a screenshot.
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Windows 10 Build 17661 is available in the Fast Ring

Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17650 from the "Redstone 5" branch to Windows Insiders in the Fast Ring. This release comes with a number of improvements and new features.

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Windows 10 Build 17655 is out for Skip Ahead

Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17655 from the "Redstone 5" branch to Windows Insiders who have opted into Skip Ahead. This release comes with a number of improvements made to Mobile Broadband connectivity.

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Windows 10 Lean is a new cut down edition of Windows 10 RS5

Microsoft is working on a new cut down version of Windows 10 for the "Redstone 5" feature update of Windows 10. It is called "Windows 10 Lean", starts in Windows 10 S Mode, and currently identifies itself as "Windows 10 CloudE".

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Windows 10 Build 17650 (Skip Ahead): Windows Defender Improvements

Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17650 from the "Redstone 5" branch to Windows Insiders who have opted into Skip Ahead. This release comes with a couple of interesting changes made to Windows Defender.

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Windows 10 Build 17643 Released with Sets and Edge improvements

Microsoft today released Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17643 from the "Redstone 5" branch to Windows Insiders who have opted into Skip Ahead. This release comes with tons of improvements to the Sets feature (known as Tabs or Tabbed Shell), along with improvements to the Microsoft Edge browser.

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Screen Clipping is Coming to Windows 10 Action Center

In the upcoming Windows 10 version, currently referred to as "Redstone 5", Microsoft is going to rework the built-in tools for taking screenshots. The dedicated Snipping tool might be replaced with a new Screen Clipping feature, which appears to be deeply integrated with Action Center and the modern shell of Windows 10.

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