Change Game Bar Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a Game DVR feature, which was part of the Xbox app. Starting with Windows 10 Creators Update version 1703, it is directly integrated into the operating system. It comes with a number of keyboard shortcuts you can use to manage the Game Bar features. Today, we will see how to customize them.

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How To Change Game DVR Capture Folder in Windows 10

As you may already know, there is a built-in Game DVR tool in Windows 10 which allows capturing screenshots and recording gameplay videos for games you play in the OS. By default, this content is saved on the system drive under your user profile. Here is how to change the Game DVR Capture Folder's location in Windows 10.
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Game Bar Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a Game DVR feature, which was part of the Xbox app. Starting with Windows 10 Creators Update version 1703, it is directly integrated into the operating system. Here is the list of keyboard shortcuts you can use to manage the Game Bar features.

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Windows Steps Recorder to be replaced by Xbox Game Recorder

In Windows 7, Microsoft added a new program which was not available in previous Windows versions. PSR.EXE, known as Problem Steps Recorder and later renamed to just Steps Recorder, is a tool to record screenshots of any activities you do at your computer when you click and add an annotation. This is very useful for troubleshooting. In Windows 10 Creators Update, PSR is being discontinued!
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