
Office for macOS has got animated GIF support, new Excel Sheet View, more

Microsoft has updated the Slow Ring of Office on macOS, bringing a number of new features to Insiders, including a new for Excel sheets, animated GIF support in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and several other new features.

Microsoft Office Insider Preview for Mac version 15.36 is out

Some time ago, Microsoft launched the Office Insider program for Mac and iOS users. They are keeping it updated at a frequent pace. Today, the company released a new Office Insider build for Mac which comes with a number of bugfixes. Here is the change log.

Microsoft Office gets stability improvements on Mac and iOS with the recent Office Insider update

Microsoft has launched the Office Insider program for Mac and iOS users not so long ago. They are keeping it updated at a frequent pace. The company has recently released a new Office Insider build for Mac and iOS, bringing more performance and stability improvements to its users. On mobile devices, the changes are focused on improving the user experience for Word, Excel and PowerPoint, while Office for Mac has received some additional tweaking in the Outlook mail app.

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