
How to set different icons for the open and closed folder in Explorer

With Windows Vista, there was a little change in Explorer which has remained the same in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 or Windows 8: it shows the same icon for open and closed folders.

In earlier releases of Windows before Vista, when a folder was expanded in the navigation pane of Explorer, it used to show a different icon. This change makes it more difficult to see which folder you are viewing by just looking at the icons. This change also affects the tree view in Registry Editor and in the Windows 7 Start Menu All Programs view.

If you preferred having distinct icons for open and closed folder states in Explorer, then there's good news for you - it can be done. I will show you how to set the folder icon for a closed folder in Explorer of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 and Vista. The method is the same for all these operating systems.

How to create a shortcut to open Display settings in Windows 8.1

Display settings in Windows 8.1 is a part of the PC Settings application which allows you to change the display resolution, screen orientation and even the size of the text and icons.
These settings waere created to help Tablet users tune up their display easily with a touch friendly interface.
You can create a special shortcut to open Display settings in Windows 8.1 directly with one click.

Create a shortcut to open the HomeGroup settings in Windows 8.1

One of hidden options in Windows 8.1 is ability to create shortcuts to open most of Modern settings with a single click. Today, we will see how to create a shortcut to open the HomeGroup settings in Windows 8.1.

The HomeGroup feature is a simplified solution from Microsoft to provide the file sharing ability between all computers in your home network. With HomeGroup,  you will be able to share photos, music and videos files,  various office documents and even printers. Also, you can allow other family members to change files that you have shared.

Fix: Skydrive shows synchronization required for properly synced folder

The SkyDrive web service these days is an important part of the Windows 8.1 experience. It has deep integration with the OS and has become a part of the File Explorer and Modern apps.

Sometimes, usually right after installation, Windows 8.1 shows you the "synchronization in progress" overlay icon for one or several of your Skydrive folders.

Sync Icon


When you look inside the folder, you will be surprised though that all the contents are already synced!

How to create a shortcut to open the Network settings in Windows 8.1

Along with classic Control Panel options, Windows 8.1 shipped with Modern Network settings. They allow you to change various parameters of your network connections. These new Network settings is where you can set your connection as metered, enable or disable sharing, reset data usage counters and copy networks details.
Let's see how to create a shortcut to open these useful settings directly with one click.

How to open High contrast settings in Windows 8.1 with one click

There are several settings related to High contrast in Windows 8.1. They are located in PC Settings -> Easy of Access -> High contrast.

Using these settings, it is possible

  • to set the background color for windows and documents
  • the hyperlinks color
  • the disabled text color
  • the color of the text selection
  • ... and some other settings.

If you would like to have a shortcut which will allow you to open those settings directly, here are simple instructions.

How to create a shortcut to open Corners and edges in Windows 8.1

Corners and edges is a set of settings in the PC Settings application, which allows you to change the behavior of the active corners in Windows 8. You will be able
to disable the top left corner
to disable the top right corner
to disable recent apps switching
to disable recent apps list

In Windows 8.1, it is possible to create a shortcut to these settings. Let's discover how it can be done.

How to add custom folders in This PC in Windows 8.1 or remove the defaults

With Windows 8.1, Microsoft has introduced a set of folders inside the This PC folder (Windows 8 had the Folders category hidden).
These folders are:

  • Desktop
  • Documents
  • Downloads
  • Music
  • Pictures
  • Videos

In other words, Microsoft just provided quick access to the main folders inside user profile. This is very convenient, because you have 1-click access to these folders when you open File Explorer using Win+E hotkey.

Besides, not every modern desktop app uses the newer Open File dialog with the navigation pane and Favorites. Many desktop apps still use the older Open dialog, which has Recent places and opens in the Computer/This PC location by default. Folders inside This PC are especially useful for that older dialog.

You may want to customize the folders shown in This PC, e.g. remove some built-in folders and add one or more custom folders. I would like to share an exclusive tutorial which will show how to add custom folders to This PC in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8, or remove any any of those folders.

How to add folders to Computer in Windows 7 to make it similar to Windows 8

If you like how the This PC Folder looks in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 with shortcuts to useful folders 1-click away, and would like to add the same folders to the Computer folder in Windows 7, here is great news - in this tutorial we will learn:

  • how to add folders in Computer to make it look similar to Windows 8,
  • how to add a custom folder to Computer in Windows 7,
  • how to add shell locations to Computer in Windows 7,
  • how to pin added locations to the navigation pane of Explorer in Windows 7.

Let's see how you can perform all these customizations.

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