
How to Create Music Search Shortcut in Android 13 and above

You may want to manually create a music search shortcut in Android 13, as Google no longer ships such a widget. It provides you access to song recognition with a single tap. Obviously, it is a more convenient operation than asking the assistant to tell you what melody is now playing.


The Song Search on Android is similar to Shazam, but is made by Google. If a music plays nearby, you can fire up the search, and allow it to listen the environment for a moment of time. After a few seconds it will tell you the name of the artist and song. It also opens a page in the browser with extra details regarding the recognized music, and YouTube clips (if any).

Obviously, it may fail for lesser known unpopular music, but in most cases the result is fascinating.

In earlier Android versions, you could easily add a special widget to your Home screen that launches the music search. But in Android 13, there is no such widget! Moreover, a popular third-party add-on from Google Play doesn't work as well and is labeled as not compatible with Android 13 and onward.

Luckily, I have figured out here a relatively simple way to bring back the missing Song Search shortcut. While you need an extra app to create it, the good thing is that the app is trusted and free. Here are the steps.

To add a music search shortcut to your Home screen on Android 13, do the following.

Create Music Search Shortcut on Android

  1. Open Play Store and install for the "Shortcut Maker" app ( Here is the link.Shortcut Maker App In Play Store
  2. Open the app, and tap on the Requested section.Tap Requested Section
  3. On the next page, scroll down to Music search, and tap it.Tap Music Search
  4. Review the shortcut options and tap Create shortcut. You don't actually need to change anything on this page, the defaults are pretty fine.Create Music Search Shortcut
  5. Finally, return to your Home screen and tap the new shortcut. It opens the music search instantly.Music Search Icon On The Home Screen

You are done! The shortcut returns good old convenience back to your fingertips. Now you can search for a song or melody with just one tap.

Android 13 Music Search

Note: If you don't see the "Music Search" in the Requested section of the Shortcut Maker app, try to add it there as follows. Open the Google Assistant app and ask it "what song is playing?" After that, the Music Search action should appear in the requested section.

That's it.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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