Today I would like to share a trick which will allow you to have a Libraries icon right inside the This PC folder. It is applicable to Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8. I guess it should work in Windows 7 too, but I have not checked it yet. Having Libraries in This PC is very time saving for people who use the Libraries feature frequently, as it will provide just one click access to Libraries from the old Open/Save Windows dialogs which do not have the folder pane.
Category: Windows 10
Make the Windows 10 taskbar switch app windows without clicking on thumbnails
When taskbar button grouping (combining) is on, you can make the taskbar switch to the last active program window in the group with a single click. After doing a simple Registry tweak, you don't need to click once on the app group and then click again on the thumbnail to switch to that app. Switching to the last used app directly by clicking just once is faster compared to the default taskbar behavior. Here's what you need to do.
How to logon automatically in Windows 10
There are several scenarios when you might want to set a password for your user account in Windows 10. However, once you set a password, you will be prompted for it every time you login. You can automate the login prompt by setting up auto logon to save your time. Here is how you can set up Windows 10 to login automatically to a specific password protected account.
How to install a theme for all users in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7
Whenever you install a new desktop theme (themepack) in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7, it gets installed only for your user account. Other users on your PC will not have access to the installed theme. They will need to install it again when they are signed in to their personal account. This is not intuitive and also wastes disk space. Here's a trick to install any theme for all users in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7.
How to reset and clean Frequent folders from the Home folder in Windows 10
Unlike previous versions of Windows where This PC / Computer was the default location for File Explorer, in Windows 10 there is a new folder called "Home". The "Home" folder is what you see now in Windows 10 when you launch the File Explorer app. You can customize the Home folder like you could customize Favorites. The user can add any desired folder there. Also, since the Windows 10 Start Menu no longer shows Recent items, the Home folder tracks and shows frequently used folders and recent files. In this article, we will see how to reset and clean Frequent folders from the Home folder in Windows 10.
A new login screen is spotted in the leaked build of Windows 10
After Windows 10 Build 9901 leaked to the internet, enthusiasts discovered several features which do not exist in the official build 9879. One such feature is a new login screen. Today we will see how to enable it and test it yourself.
How to run an app as Administrator in Windows 10
Windows 10, like all Windows versions since Windows Vista, includes User Account Control or UAC which limits the user's rights even if he is a member of the Administrators group so that malicious apps or malware can't make unauthorized changes to your PC. However, there are a number of older desktop apps which don't work properly in Windows 10 unless they are run as administrator. Some users prefer to disable UAC entirely in Windows 10, but this is a bad idea from a security standpoint. Besides, when you disable UAC, you lose the ability to run Modern apps. The right way is to run certain apps as Administrator as and when it is required. Let me show you all the ways in which you can run desktop apps as administrator.
Windows 10 9901 comes with a new sound mixer
In Windows 10 build 9901, Microsoft has introduced a new sound mixer. As you can conclude from the previous article, it is again a Modern app, big, slow and touch friendly. Let's see how you can activate it and test it yourself.
Tip: Run Calculator in Windows 10 directly
You might have noticed that in the leaked Windows 10 build 9901, Microsoft killed the good old calculator in favor of its Modern (Metro) version. Even when you type "calc.exe" into the Run box, the Modern app will open. Here is an explanation of why this happens. I will also show you an alternative way to run the Modern Calculator app directly since you have no choice anyway.
There is a new pane for Date and Time in Windows 10 Build 9901
There is a new Date & Time pane in Windows 10, which is hidden by default. It only works after you do a special Registry tweak. I would like to share with you how to enable it, so you can try it for yourself. It is one of the many secret hidden features of the latest leaked build of Windows 10.