Windows 10 Build 16299 has been confirmed as the final version of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Microsoft has just started rolling out the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update to the public. Here you can get the official ISO images made by Microsoft to install this build from scratch.
Category: Windows 10
Windows 10 is receiving rebranded Microsoft Store
As you may already know, recently Microsoft rebranded the built-in content delivery system in Windows 10. The Store app, known as "Windows Store" since Windows 8, got a new name. It’s now called the Microsoft Store, and it also has a new logo.
How To Find HomeGroup Password in Windows 10
The HomeGroup feature is a simplified solution from Microsoft to provide file sharing ability between all computers in your home network. With HomeGroup, you will be able to share photos, music and videos files, various office documents and even printers. Also, you can allow other family members to change files that you have shared. In this article, we'll see how to find your HomeGroup password in Windows 10.
Generic Keys to Install Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
There are often times when you need to install Windows 10 evaluation or testing in a virtual machine like VirtualBox for example. You may not want to activate it every time with your licensed product key that you use on a real machine. For that purpose, you can use generic keys for Windows 10 available from Microsoft, which will allow you to install the OS, but won't allow you to activate it. As long as you have an ISO image or any other bootable media containing Windows Setup files you can install the OS using a generic key.
Outlook is getting a new look on Windows and Mac
Microsoft is currently working on a new user interface for the Outlook desktop app. The change is coming to Office 2019, which is in development as of this writing. Microsoft is trying to give the app a modern, extremely simplified look with less features in the UI compared to what previous versions of Outlook have.
Set Default Save Location for Library in Windows 10
Today, we'll see how to set the default save location for a library in Windows 10. This location will be used every time you save a file to the library.
How to Change Process Priority in Windows 10
As you may already know, Windows shares your computer's CPU resources between running apps. How many resources will be given to a process is determined by its priority. The higher the priority level, the more resources will be allocated to the process. In this article, we will see how to set or change process priority in Windows 10.
Add or Remove File Types from Search in Windows 10
In Windows 10, you can make the operating system to search for certain file types or prevent the search feature from accessing them. This can be done by changing the Search index options. In this article, we will see how it can be done.
How To Change HomeGroup Password in Windows 10
The HomeGroup feature is a simplified solution from Microsoft to provide file sharing ability between all computers in your home network. With HomeGroup, you will be able to share photos, music and videos files, various office documents and even printers. Also, you can allow other family members to change files that you have shared. In this article, we'll see how to change your HomeGroup password in Windows 10.
Compress Files on NTFS with LZX Algorithm in Windows 10
As you may already know, it is possible to enable NTFS compression for files and folders in Windows 10. Unlike ZIP file compression, with this compression type, you do not need to create an archive file. Compression will happen on-the-fly and the files can be accessed transparently as they were before compressing. Windows 10 supports NTFS compression natively like previous versions of the OS, but it supports a number of newer algorithms including LZX, which was not available prior to Windows 10.