
Create Network Connections Shortcut in Windows 10

In Windows 10, most of the network options were moved to Settings. The Setting app and the new Network flyout are completely different from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. The options have been moved around, so it takes longer to open the classic Network Connections folder when needed. To save your time, you can create a special shortcut to access it.

Disable Web Search in Windows 10 version 1803

Windows 10 comes with a new feature called "Cortana". It is a digital assistant which is integrated with the search feature. Windows 10 has a search box in the taskbar, which can be used to launch Cortana and perform the search by keyboard or by voice. Once you type something in the search box on the Windows 10 taskbar, search results show but web search results are mixed with local search results, Store apps and content from Bing. Here is how to disable Internet and Store apps from being searched via the taskbar.

Windows 10 version 1607 reached its end of support

Windows 10 version 1607 was released in August 2016. Since then, Microsoft has released a few major updates for the Windows 10 platform, including Creators Update (version 1703) and Fall Creators Update (version 1709). At the same time, previous Windows 10 versions have received a bunch of cumulative updates, including security fixes and stability improvements.

Change Insider Program Ring in Windows 10

As you may already know, the Windows Insider program includes a number of rings (levels) which define how often you will receive app updates and new Windows builds, and how stable they will be. Today, we will see how to change your Windows Insider Program ring. We will review two methods: Settings and a Registry tweak.

Create Task View Shortcut in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a brand new feature - virtual desktops. For users of Mac OS X or Linux, this feature is not spectacular or exciting, but for casual PC users who have used Windows only since eternity, it is a step forward. The ability to have multiple desktops exists in Windows since Windows 2000 at the API level. Several third party apps have used those APIs to provide virtual desktops, but Windows 10 has made this feature available out-of-the-box in a useful way.  To manage virtual desktops, Windows 10 offers the Task View feature.

Add Uninstall a Program Cascading Context Menu in Windows 10

Windows 10 supports two types of apps: classic Desktop apps (Win32) and modern Store apps. A classic app can be installed for all user accounts available in the OS. A Store app will be installed to each user account separately. If you no longer use some app, it is a good idea to uninstall it and free up space on the drive.

Add Task View Context Menu in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a brand new feature - virtual desktops. For users of Mac OS X or Linux, this feature is not spectacular or exciting, but for casual PC users who have used Windows only since eternity, it is a step forward. The ability to have multiple desktops exists in Windows since Windows 2000 at the API level. Several third party apps have used those APIs to provide virtual desktops, but Windows 10 has made this feature available out-of-the-box in a useful way.  To manage virtual desktops, Windows 10 offers the Task View feature.

How To Uninstall Windows 10 version 1803

As you may already know, Windows 10 version 1803, the next feature update, is named Spring Creators Update. The final build number is 17133. If you have installed Windows 10 Spring Creators Update but are not happy with this update, here is how to uninstall it.

Free Up Disk Space After Installing Windows 10 Spring Creators Update

If you installed Windows 10 version 1803 "Spring Creators Update" over a previous Windows version, you might have noticed that free disk space on your disk drive was considerably reduced. You can get back up to 40 Gigabytes.

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