
You can now stream games from the new Xbox consoles to Windows 10

Inability to stream games from a local console to a Windows 10 PC was a strange omission in the newest consoles from Microsoft. While the Xbox One generation can stream games to your computer, Microsoft launched Xbox Series X|S without that convenient feature. Still, Microsoft promised to bring local streaming to those owning the latest generation of Xbox consoles. Almost a year after the initial release, Microsoft finally delivered the promised feature.

Microsoft has released Windows 10 Build 19044.1202 (21H2) ISO Images

Microsoft has released the official ISO images for Windows 10, version 21H2 Insider (buid  19044.1202). The same build is currently available in the Release Preview channel. So now you can download it and do a clean install of the latest new version of Windows 10.

Windows 11 and Windows 10 version 21H2 are available for commercial previews

Microsoft today announced that business customers can start testing previews of Windows 11 and Windows 10 version 21H2 as part of the Windows Insider Program for Business. Starting today companies can prepare for the upcoming public release. Microsoft noted that if any device does not meet the minimum system requirements for Windows 11, then Windows 10 version 21H2 will be installed by default.

Microsoft released optional updates for Windows 10 to fix Bluetooth audio issues

According to the regular schedule, Microsoft plans to ship monthly cumulative updates for all supported Windows versions on September 14, 2021. As usual, before public rollout, Microsoft releases a preview of updates to come. If you own a Windows 10-based PC with versions 21H1, 20H2, or 2004, you can install monthly preview updates with a hefty list of quality-of-life improvements.

Microsoft has fixed video playback and OneDrive bugs in Windows 10 version 1909

Microsoft releases cumulative Windows updates with bug fixes and security patches every second Tuesday of a month. Sometimes, the company pushes additional out-of-band updates to curb troubles that pop along the way. KB5005103 is one of those unscheduled updates for systems with Windows 10 version 1909 (also known as the October 2019 update).

Microsoft offers a fix for the PSFX_E_MATCHING_BINARY_MISSING error when installing updates

After installing KB5003214 and KB5003690, released on May 25, 2021 and June 21, 2021 respectively, users started facing a bug in Windows 10. When installing updates, Windows 10 shows a PSFX_E_MATCHING_BINARY_MISSING error message. The affected versions of the OS include 2004, 20H2 and 21H1, which share the same code base.

Windows 10 version 21H2 build 19044.1200 released

Microsoft today released a new build of Windows 10 version 21H2 to Insiders in the Release Preview channel. These builds are available to users whose devices do not meet minimum hardware requirements of Windows 11, so they receive 21H2 instead. Today's build 19044.1200 is released with patch KB5005101. It adds support for WPA3 H2E for Wi-Fi, and includes a number of fixes and improvements to Windows Hello, WSL, and more.

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