
Disable Your Phone App Notifications for Android Messages

How to disable Your Phone app notifications for Android Messages in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a special app, Your Phone, that allows pairing your Android or iOS smartphone with your desktop computer and browse your phone data on the PC. Recent versions of Your Phone app show a notification toast for a message received on your paired Android phone. Here's how to disable this featire.

Disable Send and Receive MMS Attachments in Your Phone app

How to disable Send and Receive MMS Attachments in Your Phone app in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a special app, Your Phone, that allows pairing your Android or iOS smartphone with your desktop computer and browse your phone data on the PC. In recent version of Your Phone app, you can send and receive images and GIFs, including Giphy, right from the Your Phone app when connected to an Android phone. Here's how to enable or disable this feature.

Minimize Task Manager to Notification Area in Windows 10

Windows 8 and Windows 10 have a new Task Manager app. It looks completely different compared to Windows 7's Task Manager and has different features. It comes with a number of options that can be customized by the user. One of them allows minimizing the Task Manager to the system tray area and hide its taskbar button.

Turn On or Off Narrator Audio Cues in Windows 10

How to turn On or Off Narrator Audio Cues in Windows 10

As you may already know, Narrator is a screen-reading app built into Windows 10. Narrator lets users with vision issues to use PC and complete common tasks. Narrator plays a sound when you do things like perform a Narrator command or when suggestions are available. This is called "audio cues". We will review how to disable or enable this feature with either Settings, or a Registry tweak.

Change System Cooling Policy for Processor in Windows 10

How to change System Cooling Policy for Processor in Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can specify the System cooling policy setting for active or passive cooling.  Starting with Windows 8, devices that have thermal management capabilities can expose these capabilities to the operating system with a special driver. A driver that has passive-cooling capabilities implements the PassiveCooling routine. A driver that has active-cooling capabilities implements the ActiveCooling routine. In response to changes in computer usage or environmental conditions, the operating system calls one (or possibly both) of these routines to manage thermal levels dynamically in the hardware platform.

Turn Off or On Narrator Read Out Errors in Windows 10

How to turn off or on Narrator Read Out Errors in Windows 10

As you may already know, Narrator is a screen-reading app built into Windows 10. Narrator lets users with vision issues to use PC and complete common tasks. It is possible to disable error announcements that Narrator performs for buttons and other controls, such as "no next landmark" or "no next item" to explain why an action cannot be performed. We will review how it can be done with either Settings, or a Registry tweak.

Pause OneDrive Syncing in Windows 10

How to Pause OneDrive Syncing in Windows 10

OneDrive is the online document storage solution created by Microsoft which comes bundled as a free service with Windows 10. It can be used to store your documents and other data online in the cloud. It also offers synchronization of stored data across all your devices. Here's how to pause OneDrive syncing to save your bandwidth in Windows 10.

Specify Android Apps to Show Notifications in Your Phone app

How to specify Android apps to Show Notifications in Your Phone app in Windows 10

With build 18885 (20H1, Fast Ring), Microsoft has announced Your Phone app notifications for paired Android smartphones. The feature is finally available, so you have a chance to try it in action. In recent version of Your Phone app, you can select apps installed on a paired Android smartphone which will mirror their notifications in Windows 10. Here's how it can be done.

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