
Always on Top tool for Windows (Alternative to PowerMenu)

Windows has always had the ability to make any window the topmost one ever since Windows 3.0. Once you make a window the topmost one, other overlapping windows will always show below that window in the Z-order. It is possible to make a window the topmost one programmatically but Microsoft felt that if this control was given to end users, then application developers would misuse it to make their programs always on top. Still, third party tools can easily use the Windows API function to change this. Let's look at two ways to make a window on top.

How to find any file or folder instantly on your computer with Everything

Even though computers have evolved tremendously in the past several years, the amount of data stored on your disk drive has also exponentially increased. Often this data is unorganized and that is why users need desktop search to find it instantly. If this vast amount of data is properly indexed on your PC, then searching is only a matter of querying the index database. Unfortunately, the process of indexing the data and its contents by crawling the file systems of all disk drives takes considerable time. What if there was a way to instantly index the file names of all files on your drive? That would make finding anything much faster. That is what the app called Everything does.

How to recover lost files from corrupted hard drives

One of the things we wish would never happen to our computers is having a corrupted disk, and having a corrupted disk also results in having corrupted data. In this day and age, getting that corrupted data message from your computer is one of the worst things that can happen to you. All your files, pictures, movies, music and not to mention all other important personal and office documents can be totally wiped out in case your disk gets corrupted. This can happen due to a virus, a system crash or just a plain error on the user’s part. And if the office documents were important enough, this could also mean that you could potentially lose your job. Or if you are running a business, losing important documents such as income reports, tax info, and other important data related to your business could ruin your business.

Free Animated Christmas trees and other Christmas widgets for your Desktop

Few days ago I discovered some really awesome Christmas widgets for your desktop. They include a Christmas tree collection, a fireplace and a huge assortment of cute glass snowballs.

Christmas trees 2014
In the screenshot above you can see some examples of Christmas trees. All these X-mas goodies are available for free and are clean, malware-free.

Scanned Image Conversion via PDF Converter Elite 3

There are many PDF converters that offer basic conversion options, like converting native PDFs into MS Office documents or creating PDFs from these files. Only a small number of software provide an option to convert scanned images to editable formats, such as Word and Excel, and amongst them is the PDF Converter Elite 3.

Now, optical character recognition (OCR) conversion is a very sensitive operation that usually does not result in 100% accurate converted documents. Since image documents are scanned from printed or handwritten documents and the OCR software then needs to match the font with existing ones in its database, it’s not always possible to come up with an exact match. There are other elements in a scanned file that sometimes cannot be detected by the converter, like line breaks, footnotes and bulleted lists, but PCE 3 comes the closest to performing an accurate scanned image conversion.

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