Microsoft is working on adding the Gmail support to their service, that will allow you to use some Gmail features directly on Outlook. You'll be able to access Google Drive files in order to attach them to emails, and see Calendar.
Category: Software
Make Offline Copy of a Site with Wget on Windows and Linux
Make Offline Mirror Copy of a Site with Wget on Windows and Linux
Sometimes you need to get a browsable copy of a web site, so you can access it offline, put on an USB stick or even upload to your smartphone and read it when flying or traveling. While it is easy in modern browsers and operating systems to save a web page to PDF, it can be annoying to process every single page. Here comes wget.
Microsoft Teams is coming to Linux
Microsoft Teams is officially coming to Linux. The company is actively working on bringing the app to the open source operating system , following the requests on a UserVoice page dedicated to the product.
Microsoft To Remove Adobe Flash from IE11 and Edge by December 2020
As you may remember, in 2017 Microsoft had announced that they will discontinue the Adobe Flash plugin and remove it from their browsers, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. As of now, Microsoft has deprecated both the classic Edge app and Internet Explorer, and is actively working on the Chromium-based Edge version. The company has shared a few more details on what will happen in December 2020.
Microsoft Updates Whiteboard App for Windows 10 with These Features
Microsoft releases a new version of the Whiteboard app. The update features a new people picker for faster sharing your ideas with other people. Also, you can enable object snapping to move the contents easily.
How to Download Video From Direct Message on Twitter
How to download a Twitter video from a DM
Recently, Twitter rolled out a new design for the majority of their users. The new design features re-arranged buttons and a sidebar on the left. Also, the new design made it harder for some folks to download a video from DMs. In this post we will review a relatively simple trick that will allow you to download any video from a Twitter DM.
Disable Twitter’s New Interface and Restore Old Design Back
How to Disable Twitter's New Interface in 2019 and Restore the Old Design Back
A few days ago Twitter rolled out a new design for the majority of their users. The new design features re-arranged buttons and a sidebar on the left. Some users like the new design. Others are not happy with this change. Here is a quick hack which will allow you to revert to the old design in Twitter.
Microsoft discontinues Internet Games in XP/Vista/Windows 7, turns off servers
Microsoft has revealed that the company discontinues their classic Internet games which were first introduced in Windows Millennium Edition. The servers behind the set of games will become unavailable very soon.
Microsoft Launches a New Page for all Insider Programs
Microsoft's Insider Program became popular with its launch for Windows 10. It allows any user to become a tester of pre-release Windows 10 versions for free at any moment of time, or opt out of the program when needed. Microsoft finds the program effective, so the same test access options are available for number of other products of the company.
Microsoft Is Releasing New To Everyone
Microsoft is releasing an updated version of, their mail and calendar service which requires a Microsoft account. This new update adds tabs and other message organization tools, search improvements, and more.