
Firefox 102 is out with improved privacy and security fixes

Mozilla has released Firefox 102, which serves as base for the ESR version. So, the stable branch, as well as ESR are now on Firefox 102, with Firefox 103 entering Beta. The update is notable with a few UI enhancements, along with privacy and stability improvements, and 22 security fixes.

Firefox 101 is out with the classic download prompt by default

A new version of Mozilla Firefox is here. The only alternative browser these days, it brings back the classic download prompt. Now the user can again choose what to do with a downloaded file. Previously, it was set to save it directly to the 'Downloads' folder. Besides, it comes with security fixes, with no drastic changes to other areas.

Firefox 101 Beta restores the classic download prompt

One of the controversial changes in recent Firefox versions is the file auto-download behavior. By default, whether you click on a file link, the browser automatically starts downloading it and places the file into your “Downloads” folder. This is similar to how Chrome handles the downloads, and wasn’t welcomed by core Mozilla users. The browser used to be more flexible when asked what to do with the file.

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