
Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is the list of Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts, also know as hotkeys, which you can use for reference. Keyboard shortcuts are great for saving your time and improving your productivity. They allow you to perform some action directly, without going though various menus, options, and settings.

Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts

Historically, Windows includes a huge number of hotkeys. They are available in the OS since it very first versions.

With each and every new release, Windows receives more and more useful keyboard shortcuts. Speaking of Windows 11, we already covered its new hotkeys in a separate post.

Now, I have prepared the most comprehensive list of key sequences you can use in Windows 11. We will learn generic & common shortcuts, and also accessibility hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts  available in specific Windows 11 apps in individual chapters.

Before we start, I recommend you to bookmark this page or save/print it and use for reference every time you need to issue a key sequence.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 11

Keyboard shortcuts with the Win key

Keyboard ShortcutAction
WinOpen or close the Start menu.
Win + AOpen Quick Settings.
Win + BSet focus for the Show hidden icons dropdown menu.
Win + COpen Chat from Microsoft Teams.
Win + Ctrl + CTurn on color filters (enable this shortcut first in Color Filter settings).
Win + DShow or hide the desktop.
Win + EOpen File Explorer.
Win + FOpen Feedback Hub and take a screenshot.
Win + GOpen Xbox Game Bar when a game is open.
Win + HLaunch voice typing.
Win + IOpen Settings.
Win + JSet focus to a Windows tip when one is available.

When a Windows tip appears, bring focus to the Tip. Pressing the keyboard shortcuts again to bring focus to the element on the screen to which the Windows tip is anchored.
Win + KOpen Cast from Quick Settings.
Win + LLock your PC or switch accounts.
Win + MMinimize all windows.
Win + Shift + MRestore minimized windows on the desktop.
Win + NOpen notification center and calendar.
Win + OLock device orientation.
Win + PChoose a presentation display mode.
Win + Ctrl + QOpen Quick Assist.
Win + ROpen the Run dialog box.
Win + Alt + RRecord video of game window in focus (using Xbox Game Bar).
Win + SOpen search.
Win + Shift + STake a screenshot of part of your screen.
Win + TCycle through apps on the taskbar.
Win + UOpen Accessibility Settings.
Win + VOpen the clipboard history.
  • If you don't want to see the prompt for this shortcut, select Start > Settings > System > Clipboard, and turn on the toggle under Clipboard history.
Win + Shift + VSet focus to a notification.
Win + WOpen Widgets.
Win + XOpen the Quick Link menu.
Win + YSwitch input between Windows Mixed Reality and your desktop.
Win + ZOpen the snap layouts.
Win + period (.) or semicolon ( ; )Open emoji panel.
Win + comma (,)Temporarily peek at the desktop.
Win + PauseDisplay the System Properties dialog box.
Win + Ctrl + FSearch for PCs (if you're on a network).
Win + numberOpen the desktop and start the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, switch to that app.
Win + Shift + numberOpen the desktop and start a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Win + Ctrl + numberOpen the desktop and switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Win + Alt + numberOpen the desktop and open the Jump List for the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Win + Ctrl + Shift + numberOpen the desktop and open a new instance of the app located at the given position on the taskbar as an administrator.
Win + TabOpen Task view.
Win + Up arrowMaximize the window.
Win + Alt + Up arrowSnap window in focus to top half of screen, new to Windows 11.
Win + Down arrowRemove current app from screen or minimize the desktop window.
Win + Alt + Down arrowSnap window in focus to bottom half of screen, new to Windows 11.
Win + Left arrowMaximize the app or desktop window to the left side of the screen.
Win + Right arrowMaximize the app or desktop window to the right side of the screen.
Win + HomeMinimize all except the active desktop window (restores all windows on second stroke).
Win + Shift + Up arrowStretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Win + Shift + Down arrowRestore/minimize active desktop windows vertically, maintaining width.
Win + Shift + Left arrow or Right arrowMove an app or window in the desktop from one monitor to another.
Win + Shift + SpacebarCycle backwards through language and keyboard layout.
Win + SpacebarSwitch input language and keyboard layout.
Win + Ctrl + SpacebarChange to a previously selected input.
Win + Ctrl + EnterTurn on Narrator.
Win + Plus (+)Open Magnifier and zoom in.
Win + Minus (-)Zoom out in Magnifier.
Win + EscClose Magnifier.
Win + forward slash (/)Begin IME reconversion.
Win + Ctrl + Shift + BRestart the graphic subsystem.
Win + PrtScnSave full screen screenshot to file.
Win + Alt + PrtScnSave screenshot of game or app window in focus to file with Xbox Game Bar.

Virtual Desktop Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Win + Ctrl + F4Close the current virtual desktop .
Win + Ctrl + Right arrowSwitch to the right virtual desktop.
Win + Ctrl + Left arrowSwitch to the left virtual desktop.
Win + TabOpen Virtual Desktop overview (Task View).
Win + Ctrl + DCreate a new virtual desktop.

File Explorer Hotkeys

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Shift + Alt + PShow or hide the Details pane.
Alt + DActivate the address bar.
Ctrl + EActivate the search box.
Ctrl + FActivate the search box.
Ctrl + NOpen a new window.
Ctrl + WClose the active window.
Ctrl + Mouse scrollChange file and folder view (icon size).
Ctrl + Shift + EDisplay all folders above the selected folder.
Ctrl + Shift + NMake a new folder.
Num Lock + * (asterisk)Display all subfolders under the selected folder.
Num Lock + + (the plus button)Expand the contents of the selected folder.
Num Lock + - (minus button)Collapse the selected folder.
Alt + PShow the preview pane.
Alt + EnterOpen the Properties dialog for the selected file or folder.
Right arrowDisplay the current selection (when collapsed), or select the first subfolder.
Left arrowCollapse the current selection (when expanded), or select the folder that the folder was in.
Alt + Right arrowView the next folder.
Alt + Up arrowGo up to the parent folder.
Alt + Left arrowView the previous folder.
BackspaceView the previous folder.
EndDisplay the last file or folder in the active window.
HomeDisplay the first file or folder in the active window.
F11Enable or disable full-screen mode for the active window.

Taskbar keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Shift + click on a taskbar buttonOpen an app or open another instance of the running app.
Shift + right-click on a taskbar buttonOpen the window menu for the app.
Shift + right-click on a grouped taskbar buttonOpen the window menu for the group of app windows.
Ctrl + Shift + click on a taskbar buttonOpen the current app as Administrator.
Ctrl + click a grouped taskbar buttonCycle through the open windows in the group.

Generic keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Alt + Shift + arrow keysWhen a group or tile is in focus on the Start menu, move it in the direction specified.
EscStop or leave the current task.
Alt + Left arrowGo back.
Ctrl + EOpen Search (in most apps).
Alt + F8Show your password on the sign-in screen.
Alt + underlined letterPerform the command for that letter.
F5Refresh the active window.
Alt + F4Close the active item, or exit the active app.
F10Activate the Menu bar in the active app.
Ctrl + YRedo an action.
Ctrl + EscOpen Start.
Ctrl + arrow key (to move to an item) + SpacebarSelect multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop.
Alt + SpacebarOpen the shortcut menu for the active window.
Ctrl + F4Close the active document (in apps that are full-screen and let you have multiple documents open at the same time).
Shift + F10Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.
Ctrl + ZUndo an action.
Alt + Page UpMove up one screen.
Ctrl + arrow keysResize the Start menu when it's open.
Ctrl + Alt + TabUse the arrow keys to switch between all open apps.
Alt + Right arrowGo forward.
Ctrl + R (or F5)Refresh the active window.
Win + LLock your PC.
Left arrowOpen the next menu to the left, or close a submenu.
Ctrl + Up arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + arrow keysWhen a tile is in focus on the Start menu, move it into another tile to create a folder.
Right arrowOpen the next menu to the right, or open a submenu.
Alt + EscCycle through items in the order in which they were opened.
Ctrl + SpacebarTurn the Chinese input method editor (IME) on or off.
Shift + DeleteDelete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first.
F4Display the address bar list in File Explorer.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert)Paste the selected item.
Ctrl + XCut the selected item.
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert)Copy the selected item.
Ctrl + ShiftSwitch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available.
Ctrl + Left arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + ASelect all items in a document or window.
Ctrl + D (or Delete)Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.
F6Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop.
F3Search for a file or folder in File Explorer.
Alt + TabSwitch between open apps.
Alt + Page DownMove down one screen.
F2Rename the selected item.
Ctrl + Right arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
Shift with any arrow keySelect more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document.
Win + DDisplay and hide the desktop.
Ctrl + Shift with an arrow keySelect a block of text.
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager.
Ctrl + Down arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Alt + EnterDisplay properties for the selected item.
PrtScnTake a screenshot of your whole screen and copy it to the clipboard. You can make this key open the Screen snipping app, which allows editing the screenshot.

Open and Save File Dialog Hotkeys

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + TabGo forward through tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + TabGo back through tabs.
Ctrl + number 1–9Go to Nth tab.
TabGo forward through options, e.g. buttons or text boxes.
Shift + TabGo back through options.
Alt + underlined letterActivate the control, e.g. button, checkbox, or menu with that letter assigned to it.
SpacebarSelect item (or set/clear the checkbox if the active option is a checkbox).
BackspaceGo to the parent folder in the Save As or Open File dialog box.
F4Expand the items in the active drop-down list.
Arrow keysMove between controls or list items.

Command Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts (cmd.exe)

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert)Copy the selected text.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert)Paste the selected text.
Ctrl + MEnter Mark mode.
Alt + selection keyBegin selection in block mode.
Arrow keysMove the cursor in the direction specified.
Page upMove the cursor by one page up.
Page downMove the cursor by one page down.
Ctrl + Up arrowMove up one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Down arrowMove down one line in the output history.
F7Shows your command history as a list.
ESCclears the entered text.
Tabauto-completes the file name or directory/folder name.
F1Displays previously typed command(s) one character at a time.
F2repeats the previous command in history from the beginning up to the specified character.
F3repeats the previously typed command. It acts like the Up arrow key, but repeats only one command.
F4Deletes the text to the right of the cursor position up to the specified character.
Alt+F7Clears the command history.
F8Moves backwards through the command history, but only display commands which begin at the specified character.
F9Allows you to run a specific command from the command history.
Ctrl + Left arrowMoves your cursor to the first character of each word towards the left.
Ctrl + Right arrowMoves your cursor to the first character of each word towards the right.
Ctrl + CAborts currently running command or batch file.
EnterCopies the selected/marked text. You can mark text by single clicking the Command prompt icon in the title bar and then choosing Edit -> Mark.
InsertToggles between insert mode and overwrite mode at the current cursor position. In overwrite mode, the text you type will replace any text following it.
HomeMoves to the beginning of the command.
EndMoves to the end of the command.
Alt+Spaceshows the window menu of the Command Prompt.
Ctrl + Home (In mark/selection)Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer.
Ctrl + End (In mark/selection)Move the cursor to the end of the buffer.
Ctrl + Home (History navigation)If the command line is empty, move the viewport to the top of the buffer. Otherwise, delete all the characters to the left of the cursor in the command line.
Ctrl + End (History navigation)If the command line is empty, move the viewport to the command line. Otherwise, delete all the characters to the right of the cursor in the command line.

Accessibility keyboard shortcuts​

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Win + Alt + HMove keyboard focus to the voice typing dialog
Left Alt + left Shift + Num lockTurn Mouse Keys on or off
Num lock for five secondsTurn Toggle Keys on or off
Left Alt + left Shift + Print screenTurn High Contrast on or off
Ctrl + EOpen Search (in most apps)
Win + Ctrl + CTurn color filters on or off
Win + HStart voice typing
Right Shift for eight secondsEnable or disable the Filter Keys feature
Win + UOpens Accessibility Settings
Shift five timesEnable or disable Sticky Keys.
Win + Ctrl + OOpen the On-Screen Keyboard
Win + Ctrl + SStart Windows Speech Recognition
Win + Ctrl + NOpen Narrator settings

Magnifier hotkeys

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + Alt + DSwitch to docked view
Win + Plus sign (+) or Minus sign (-)When Magnifier is on, zoom in or out
Win + Ctrl + MOpen Magnifier settings
Ctrl + Alt + SpacebarQuickly see the entire desktop when using full screen view
Ctrl + Alt + MCycle through views
Ctrl + Alt + RResize the lens with the mouse
Win + EscTurn Magnifier off
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keysPan in the direction of the arrow keys
Shift + Alt + arrow keysResize the lens with the keyboard
Ctrl + Alt + IInvert colors
Win + Plus sign (+)Turn Magnifier on
Ctrl + Alt + LSwitch to lens view
Ctrl + Alt + mouse scroll wheelZoom in and out using the mouse scroll wheel
Ctrl + Alt + FSwitch to full screen view
Reading mode hotkeys
Modifier key + HRead previous sentence
Modifier key + Left Mouse clickRead from mouse pointer
Ctrl + Alt + RResize the lens with the mouse
Win + Plus sign (+)Turn Magnifier on
Modifier key + EnterStart, pause, and resume reading
Any keyStop reading
Modifier key + KRead next sentence

Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11 Apps

Microsoft Edge

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + DBookmark the current tab (add to favorites)
Ctrl + Shift + OOpen Favorites manager
Ctrl + \ (in a PDF)Toggle PDF between fit to page / fit to width
Ctrl + Minus (-)Zoom out
Alt + DSelect the URL in the address bar to edit
Ctrl + Shift + IOpen Developer Tools
PgDnScroll down webpage, one screen at a time
Ctrl + TOpen a new tab and switch to it
Ctrl + TabSwitch to the next tab
Ctrl + GJump to the next match to your Find Bar search
Ctrl + Shift + YOpen Collections
F5Reload the current tab
AltSet focus on the Settings and more "…" button
F6Switch focus to next pane
EndGo to the bottom of the page, Move keyboard focus to last item of pane
Alt + FOpen the Settings and more "..." menu
F7Turn caret browsing on or off
Ctrl + ERun a search query in the address bar
Ctrl + 9Switch to the last tab
F4Select the URL in the address bar
Ctrl + Shift + DSave all open tabs as favorites in a new folder
Alt + HomeOpen your home page in the current tab
Shift + F5Reload the current tab, ignoring cached content
F9Enter or exit Immersive Reader
Shift + SpacebarScroll up webpage, one screen at a time
Ctrl + WClose the current tab
Ctrl + OOpen a file from your computer in Edge
Ctrl + Shift + LPaste and search or Paste and go (if it's a URL)
F11Enter full screen (toggle)
Shift + F10Open context menu
Ctrl + Shift + WClose the current window
Ctrl + 1, 2, ... 8Switch to a specific tab
TabGo to next tab stop
Ctrl + Shift + KDuplicate the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + NOpen a new InPrivate window
Alt + Shift + BSet focus on the first item in the favorites bar
Ctrl + F4Close the current page in the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab, and switch to it
SpacebarScroll down webpage, one screen at a time
Ctrl + HOpen History in a new tab (web UI)
Alt + Shift + IOpen the Send feedback dialog
Ctrl + RReload the current page
Ctrl + MMute the current tab (toggle)
Ctrl + LSelect the URL in the address bar to edit
Ctrl + UView source
PgUpScroll up webpage, one screen at a time
F12Open Developer Tools
Alt + F4Close the current window
EscStop loading page; close dialog or pop-up
Alt + Left arrowGo back
Ctrl + SSave the current page
F3Find in the current tab
Alt + Right arrowGo forward
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste without formatting
Ctrl + Shift + DeleteOpen clear browsing data options
Shift + F6Switch focus to previous pane
Ctrl + Shift + PPrint using the system dialog
Ctrl + ] (in a PDF)Rotate PDF clockwise 90*
Ctrl + [ (in a PDF)Rotate PDF counter-clockwise 90*
Alt + EOpen the Settings and more "..." menu
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous tab
Ctrl + 0 (zero)Reset zoom level
Ctrl + KOpen a search query in the address bar
Ctrl + Plus (+)Zoom in
F1Open Help
Ctrl + Shift + GJump to the previous match to your Find Bar search
Ctrl + PgDnSwitch to the next tab
Alt + Shift + TSet focus on the first item in the toolbar
Ctrl + Shift + RReload the current page, ignoring cached content
Ctrl + NOpen a new window
F10Set focus on the Settings and more "…" button
Ctrl + FFind on page
Ctrl + Shift + MSign in as a different user or browse as a Guest
F10 + EnterOpen Setting and more "…" menu
Ctrl + Shift + BShow or hide the favorites bar
Ctrl + JOpen Downloads in a new tab (web UI)
Ctrl + PPrint the current page
Ctrl + PgUpSwitch to the previous tab
Ctrl + EnterAdd www. to the beginning and .com to the end of text typed in the address bar
Ctrl + Shift + UStart or stop Read Aloud
HomeGo to the top of the page, Move keyboard focus to first item of pane
Shift + TabGo to previous tab stop


Keyboard ShortcutAction
Alt + 1Switch to Standard mode
Alt + 2Switch to Scientific mode
Alt + 3Switch to Graphing mode
Alt + 4Switch to Programmer mode
Alt + 5Switch to Date Calculation mode
Ctrl + MStore in memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
Ctrl + PAdd to memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
Ctrl + QSubtract from memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
Ctrl + RRecall from memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
Ctrl + LClear memory
DeleteClear current input (select CE)
EscFully clear input (select C)
TabNavigate to the next UI item and give it focus
SpacebarSelects UI item that has focus
EnterSelects = in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
F9Select +/- in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
RSelect 1/x in Standard mode and Scientific mode
@Select 2√x in Standard mode and Scientific mode
%Select % in Standard mode and Programmer mode
Ctrl + HWhen history button is visible, selects the history button in Standard mode and Scientific mode
Up arrowMove up in history list, memory list, and menu items
Down arrowMove down in history list, memory list, and menu items
Ctrl + Shift + DClear history
F3Select DEG in Scientific mode
F4Select RAD in Scientific mode
F5Select GRAD in Scientific mode
GSelect 2x in Scientific mode
Ctrl + GSelect 10x in Scientific mode
SSelect 10x in in Scientific mode
Shift + SSelect sin-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + SSelect sinh in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + SSelect sinh-1 in Scientific mode
TSelect tan in Scientific mode
Shift + TSelect tan-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + TSelect tanh in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + TSelect tanh-1 in Scientific mode
OSelect cos in Scientific mode
Shift + OSelect cos-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + OSelect cosh in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + OSelect cosh-1 in Scientific mode
USelect sec in Scientific mode
Shift + USelect sec-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + USelect sech in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + USelect sech-1 in Scientific mode
ISelect csc in Scientific mode
Shift + ISelect csc-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + ISelect csch in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + ISelect csch-1 in Scientific mode
JSelect cot in Scientific mode
Shift + JSelect cot-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + JSelect coth in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + JSelect coth-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + YSelecty√x in Scientific mode
Shift + \Select |x| in Scientific mode
[Select ⌊x⌋ in Scientific mode
]Select ⌈x⌉ in Scientific mode
LSelect log in Scientific mode
Shift + LSelect logyx in Scientific mode
MSelect dms in Scientific mode
NSelect ln in Scientific mode
Ctrl + NSelect ex in Scientific mode
PSelect Pi in Scientific mode
QSelect x2 in Standard mode and Scientific mode
VToggles on/off F-E button in Scientific mode
XSelect exp in Scientific mode
Y, ^Select xy in Scientific mode
#Select x3 in Scientific mode
!Select n! in Scientific mode
%Select mod in Scientific mode
Ctrl ++ on numpadGraph zooms in while in Graphing mode
Ctrl +- on numpadGraph zooms out while in Graphing mode
F2Select DWORD in Programmer mode
F3Select WORD in Programmer mode
F4Select BYTE in Programmer mode
F5Select HEX in Programmer mode
F6Select DEC in Programmer mode
F7Select OCT in Programmer mode
F8Select BIN in Programmer mode
F12Select QWORD in Programmer mode
A-FSelect letters A-F in Programmer mode while HEX is select
Shift + ,Select RoL in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to either "Circular" shift
Shift + .Select RoR in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to either "Circular" shift
Shift + ,Select Lsh in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to "Arithmetic" or "Logical" shift
Shift + .Select Rsh in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to "Arithmetic" or "Logical" shift
%Select % in Programmer mode
|Select OR in Programmer mode
^Select XOR in Programmer mode
\Select NOR in Programmer mode
~Select NOT in Programmer mode
&Select AND in Programmer mode
.Select NAND in Programmer mode

XBox DVR (Gamebar)​

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Win + Alt + RStart or stop recording.
Win + Alt + Print ScreenTake a screenshot of your game or running app.
Win + Alt + MTurn the microphone on or off.
Win + GOpen Game bar when a game is open..
Win + Alt + WShow camera during broadcast.
Win + Alt + TShow or hide recording timer.
Win + Alt + BStart or stop broadcasting.
Win + Alt + GRecord the last 30 seconds.

Groove Music

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + TEnable or disable Repeat
DeleteDelete selected tracks
Ctrl + BRestart current song or skip to previous
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + FSkip to next song
Ctrl + QOpen Search
F8Volume down
Ctrl + EnterSelect an item and activate selection mode
F9Volume up
Ctrl + PPlay or pause
Ctrl + HEnable or disable Shuffle
F7Mute volume
Ctrl + Shift + PPlay selected tracks


Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + HShare
Arrow keysPan the map in any direction
Ctrl + DGet directions
Ctrl + plus or minus key (+ or -)Zoom in or out
Ctrl + LMove focus to map
+ or - keysZoom in or out in 3D Cities view
Ctrl + YSwitch map views between aerial and road
Ctrl + FSearch
Ctrl + SShow or hide Streetside
Ctrl + TShow or hide traffic
Ctrl + WClose the active tab
BackspaceGo back
Page Up or Page DownMove farther or closer in 3D Cities view
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + Shift + TabGo to previous tab
Ctrl + TabGo to the next tab
Ctrl + Up or Down arrow keysTilt
Ctrl + Left or Right arrow keysRotate
Ctrl + CCopy to clipboard
Ctrl + HomeMove to your current location
Ctrl + MMinimize the active tab

Movies & TV

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Alt + EnterEnter full-screen mode
Ctrl + TTurn repeat on or off
EnterUse the focused control
F7Mute the sound



Ctrl + P

Play or pause when watching a video
EscExit full-screen mode
F8Volume down
F9Volume up

Alt + Left arrow key


Win + Backspace

Go back


Keyboard ShortcutAction
F11View a picture in full-screen mode
F12Save the picture as a new file
Ctrl + ASelect the whole picture
Ctrl + BBold selected text
Ctrl + CCopy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl + EOpen the Propertiesdialog box
Ctrl + GShow or hide gridlines
Ctrl + IItalicize selected text
Ctrl + NCreate a new picture
Ctrl + OOpen an existing picture
Ctrl + PPrint a picture
Ctrl + RShow or hide the ruler
Ctrl + SSave changes to a picture
Ctrl + UUnderline selected text
Ctrl + VPaste a selection from the Clipboard
Ctrl + WOpen the Resize and Skew dialog
Ctrl + XCut a selection
Ctrl + YRedo a change
Ctrl + ZUndo a change
Ctrl + plus (+)Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl + minus (-)Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl + Page UpZoom in
Ctrl + Page DownZoom out
Alt + F4Close a picture and its Paint window
Right arrowMove the selection or active shape right by one pixel
Left arrowMove the selection or active shape left by one pixel
Down arrowMove the selection or active shape down by one pixel
Up arrowMove the selection or active shape up by one pixel
Shift + F10Show the context menu


Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + / (when editing)View original
Ctrl + URemove selected items from album
Alt + EnterView file info
Ctrl + R (when viewing or editing)Rotate a photo
Spacebar (when viewing a photo)Show or hide commands
Ctrl + Y (when editing)Redo changes
Ctrl + N (when in Albums view)Create a new album
Arrow keys (on a zoomed photo)Move within the photo
Ctrl + DAdd selected items to album
E (when viewing a photo)Enhance a photo
Ctrl + plus or minus (+ or -)Zoom in or out when viewing a photo
Ctrl + R (when in Albums view)Remove album
Ctrl + Z (when editing)Undo changes
Shift + arrow keysResize crop or selective focus area
EscReturn to previous screen
Ctrl + arrow keysMove crop or selective focus area
Ctrl + LSet as lock screen
Spacebar (when in Collection)Select an item and enter Selection mode
Ctrl + 0Reset zoom on a photo
Ctrl + CCopy
F5 (when viewing an item)Start a slide show
Arrow keys (when in Collection)Scroll up, down, left, or right
Ctrl + PPrint
Enter (when Selection mode)Select an item while in Selection mode
Ctrl + SSave
Left or right arrow keys (on a single item or slideshow)Show the next or previous item
Spacebar (when viewing a video)Play or pause the video

Voice Recorder

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + RStart a new recording
Ctrl + MAdd a new marker to the recording
EndJump to the end of the recording
Shift + Right or Left arrowJump back or forward for more seconds
SpacebarPlay or pause
BackspaceGo back
F2Rename the current recording
DeleteRemove the selected clip
Right or Left arrowGo back or forward while playing a recording
HomeJump to the start of the recording


Keyboard ShortcutAction
F3Search for the next instance of the text in the Finddialog box
F12Save the document as a new file
Ctrl + 1Set single line spacing
Ctrl + 2Set double line spacing
Ctrl + 5Set line spacing to 1.5
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + BMake selected text bold
Ctrl + CCopy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl + DInsert a Microsoft Paint drawing
Ctrl + EAlign text center
Ctrl + FSearch for text in a document
Ctrl + HReplace text in a document
Ctrl + IItalicize selected text
Ctrl + JJustify text
Ctrl + LAlign text left
Ctrl + NCreate a new document
Ctrl + OOpen an existing document
Ctrl + PPrint a document
Ctrl + RAlign text right
Ctrl + SSave changes to a document
Ctrl + UUnderline selected text
Ctrl + VPaste a selection from the Clipboard
Ctrl + XCut a selection
Ctrl + YRedo a change
Ctrl + ZUndo a change
Ctrl + equal (=)Make selected text subscript
Ctrl + Shift + equal (=)Make selected text superscript
Ctrl + Shift + greater than (>)Increase the font size
Ctrl + Shift + less than (<)Decrease the font size
Ctrl + Shift + AChange characters to all capitals
Ctrl + Shift + LChange the bullet style
Ctrl + Left arrowMove one word to the left
Ctrl + Right arrowMove one word to the right
Ctrl + Up arrowMove to the previous line
Ctrl + Down arrowMove to the next line
Ctrl + HomeMove to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + EndMove to the end of the document
Ctrl + Page UpMove up one page
Ctrl + Page DownMove down one page
Ctrl + DeleteDelete the next word
Alt + F4Close WordPad
Shift + F10Show the context menu

I have used the official Microsoft documentation here to prepare the above list. Enjoy!

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

2 thoughts on “Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts”

  1. This is an amazing list. Very cool. This is what makes windows my go to.

    However, I think that you missed a file explorer shortcut: shift+alt+p, for the details pane.

    It’s interesting that this shortcut is actually left out of a few guides.


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