
Windows 10 IoT Build 17115 released

If you are following Windows 10 IoT development, you might be happy to hear that a new build 17115 is out for Insiders. This is from the upcoming "redstone 4" branch, also known as "Spring Creators Update", and comes with a couple of new features. Also, the release includes bug fixes and minor improvements.

The new build of Windows IoT feature the following changes.

New this build: 

  • General bug fixes

Known issues:

  • F5 driver deployment from Visual Studio does not work on IoT Core.
  • F5 application deployment of headed foreground UWP apps will not work on the first attempt. The second attempt should be successful.
  • Cannot install image using NOOBS.
  • Hummingboard fails to boot when installing builds to eMMC.
  • Unable to deploy Node.js sample in 64-bit.


Source: MSDN forums.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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