
Get colored title bars in Windows 10 with one click using Winaero Tweaker 0.3

Winaero Tweaker 0.3 is out! This release comes with new exciting options and bug fixes. The most notable change is the ability to apply color to Windows 10 title bars with one click.

With version 0.3, you can enable colored title bars in Windows 10 with just one click. Go to Appearance -> Colored Title bars and click the appropriate button.

Winaero Tweaker Colored Titlebars

Besides that, it is possible now to enable the old volume control for the system tray. You will find the appropriate option for that also in the Appearance section.

Winaero Tweaker old soundI have fixed the reported bug for the "Reduce the startup delay for desktop apps" option. It was broken, now it works. Thanks to our friend "Petra" who reported this bug.

Thank you all for your support, bug reports and suggestions. You can download Winaero Tweaker here:
Download Winaero Tweaker | The list of Winaero Tweaker features | Winaero Tweaker FAQ

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

23 thoughts on “Get colored title bars in Windows 10 with one click using Winaero Tweaker 0.3”

  1. Very useful like the rest of the ariticles. Thanks Sergey!

    I am back on Windows 8.1 after hiccups. I will check of them again once on Windows 10 sometime after 29th.

    Really appreciate your efforts! :)

  2. I love the Tweaker but how come this version says I am running Windows 8.1 Pro (64bit) when I am actually running Windows 8.0 Pro? Earlier versions of the Tweaker correctly saw that I have 8.0 Pro NOT 8.1 Pro. What could Tweaker be polling on the computer to make it think I have 8.1? The rest of the information is correct including the WEI score which is not available in 8.1 so I guess it is a typo that makes it say I have 8.1 Pro when I have 8.0 Pro?

  3. Thanks a billion! Now it’s a billion times easier to change colors of the title bar!!!

    One small caveat:
    In the “Personalization Panel for Windows 10” application, in the left bottom corner it says “Easy of Access Center”. It should say “Ease of Access Center”.

    It won’t kill anybody, it’s just for a future release! ;)

    1. It is just a typo. I am sorry. You can switch the language in Options from the built-in to English, United States. This will fix the issue.
      I will release the fixed version as well.

  4. Windows 10 RTM forces Windows updates to install automatically without user’s consent causing wreak havoc on the OS. I’ve had downloaded and burnt the ISO image into a blank DVD but won’t install the new operating system until I would be certain that WinAero Tweaker includes the functionality from previous versions of Windows Update allowing users to take total control of WSUS in the form of a direct replacement tool for Windows Update 10.

  5. Nice work! I was gutted there was no way to change the blindingly white title bars in W10. But thanks to this nice lil app my eyes aren’t burning anymore =)

    But now there’s another problem. With dark title bar colors the title bar text/window buttons are hard to make out because they just stay black. Any change next release of the tweaker could change the title bar stuff to white so it is more legible when using dark colors?

  6. I see a glitch that is even demonstrated in the screenshot where some windows have white title boxes if out of focus. That is the one thing that bothers me, but otherwise this program is awesome! Thank you for the great work, I really think that lock screen is useless without a touchscreen.

  7. Hi. I’m using the latest tweaker with Windows 10 final. I’m trying to do the colored bar trick but it says there is no aero.theme on Windows/System32/Resources. Actually there is no “Resources” folder on System32.

  8. I forgot… is Windows/System32/Resources/Themes/aero.theme… but there is no Resources folder on that location.

  9. I’ve noticed by using a custom accent color (green) in title bar that when a window is not selected, the title in that window becomes “selected” (marked as grey..). I could send you a screen if you don’t understand what I mean! Sorry for my English

  10. Windows 10 RTM. How to make not static wallpaper with this tweaker “Colored Title Bars”? I want different wallpaper changed in a few minutes, for example, 15. По-русски: как на финальной Windows 10 сделать, чтобы при твике цветных заголовков, обои не были стачичными, а менялись минут через 15? На 8-ке у меня стояла тема с меняющимися обоями. Можно ли добавить свои несколько обин в вашу твикнутую тему?

    1. Ну а почему нет.
      В смену обоев заходите, добавляете свои и выставляете смену обоев через 15 минут, как в восьмерке.
      Возможно, вы захотите посмотреть вот эту мою программу – сразу ссылку даю на русский текст:

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