Yesterday, the Vivaldi team rolled out a new weekly build of their revolutionary web browser. Unlike the previous release, this one does not come with lots of changes. However, a few changes and bug fixes are very interesting. Let's explore them.

Vivaldi developers are working hard on improving spatial navigation. Maybe the changes at this moment may not be noticeable to the average user, but they have already been implemented in Vivaldi

The second change is that there have been several bug fixes and improvements to hotkey options. Vivaldi comes with lesser bugs in keyboard shortcuts and is more usable. Try to assign hotkeys yourself.
The address bar has got a "Paste and go" context menu item.

The x64 Windows build got a working implementation of the auto-update feature. For Mac OS X, the Command + T shortcut does not open two tabs unintentionally any more. That bug is fixed.
You can download Vivaldi using these links:
The complete change log looks as follows: Click here to see
- VB-5932 — SpatNav avoid page scrolling
- VB-5313 — Globally register Ctrl+Shift+V
- VB-6003 — Keyboard settings titles splitted
- VB-5296 — Spatial navigation selection of element improvements
- VB-4048 — Spatnav skips element
- VB-3940 — Spatial navigation doesn't follow horizontal links
- VB-6005 — Change interval of UI Zoom slider to 5% instead of 10%
- VB-5989 — Spatnav need to use the regular keyboard shortcut system
- VB-5809 — Spatnav doesn't fire mouseout/mouseleave events
- VB-5783 — Bookmark description is not used when searching for bookmarks
- VB-5133 — Double new tab when CMD + T on Mac
- VB-4602 — Need a way to turn off spatnav
- VB-3849 — Keyboard shortcuts don't work on
- VB-3396 — Go to URL should be easier with quick command than it is now.
- VB-6052 — Installer opening a second installer window
- VB-6015 — "Page actions" translation is missing
- VB-2055 — Paste and go context menu on address bar
- VB-6065 — Add new folder button becomes invisible after a few clicks
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Author: Sergey Tkachenko
Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. View all posts by Sergey Tkachenko