WhatsApp on the web has dropped support for the legacy version of Microsoft Edge browser, which was bundled with Windows 10 from very first versions. Also, one of the most anticipated features of WhatsApp, disappearing messages, has finally landed in the Windows 10 version of the app. Continue reading "WhatsApp for Windows 10 has got Disappearing Messages, Web app drops Edge Legacy support"
Tag: WhatsApp desktop
Keyboard shortcuts in WhatsApp for Desktop
WhatsApp developers have released the long awaited desktop version of the popular messenger. If you installed and used it, you might be interested in learning its keyboard shortcuts. These hotkeys can help you save time and increase productivity. Here we go.
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WhatsApp Installer has failed. There was an error while installing the application
Many users faced an issue with the recently released WhatsApp for Desktop app. It doesn't install for them. The installer fails with the following error message:
Installer has failed. There was an error while installing the application. Check the setup log for more information and contact the author. Here is why you see this message and what you can do.
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How to run WhatsApp desktop app in Windows 7
Even though a Desktop version of the wildly popular WhatsApp mobile messaging app has been released, its developers claim that the app is supported only on Windows 10 and Windows 8/8.1. If you are a Windows 7 user, your operating system does not support it officially. Regardless, you can easily get WhatsApp working in Windows 7 for now.
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