
How to pin modern Store apps to the taskbar in Windows 8.1 Update 1

In Windows 8.1 Update 1, a useful change in addition to showing apps on the taskbar is the ability to pin them. Let us see all the ways in which you can pin Modern apps to the taskbar. 

How to hide Modern apps from the Taskbar in Windows 8.1 Update

One of the new features in Windows 8.1 Update 1 is the ability to display running Modern apps on the classic taskbar in Desktop mode. It is enabled by default and provides a convenient way to manage apps. However, if you do not like Modern apps being shown on taskbar, you can change this behavior using system settings or simple registry tweak.

How to change the Switcher (top left corner) hover timeout delay in Windows 8.1 Update 1

The recently leaked Windows 8.1 Update 1 build features a couple of hidden secret settings, which can be useful for desktop users. Earlier, I covered a tweak to control the Charms bar hover timeout. Today, I would like to share a new tweak, which will allow you to change the timeout delay of the Switcher, that tiny thumbnail in the top left corner of the screen when a Modern app is running. Let's see how it can be done.

Hotkey to show the titlebar menu of Modern Apps in Windows 8.1 Spring Update 1 (Feature Pack)

In our earlier roundup of Windows 8.1 Spring Update 1 (Feature Pack), we wrote about Modern apps finally having a title bar with close and minimize buttons. We also covered a hotkey to show the Taskbar when a Modern app is focused. Now I would like to share a simple tip to show the context menu for the title bar of Modern Apps with a hotkey.

How to get free disk space back after installing Windows 8.1 Spring Update 1 (Feature Pack)

Yesterday I installed the recently leaked RTM build of Windows 8.1 Spring Update 1 (Feature Pack) and was disappointed by the fact that my free space was considerably reduced after installing it. You may face a similar scenario and may not be able to reclaim all the disk space again just by running Disk Cleanup or CCleaner. So in this article, I would like to share with you a simple way of cleaning unneeded files from your hard drive after installing the latest Windows 8.1 updates.

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