There are many PDF converters that offer basic conversion options, like converting native PDFs into MS Office documents or creating PDFs from these files. Only a small number of software provide an option to convert scanned images to editable formats, such as Word and Excel, and amongst them is the PDF Converter Elite 3.
Now, optical character recognition (OCR) conversion is a very sensitive operation that usually does not result in 100% accurate converted documents. Since image documents are scanned from printed or handwritten documents and the OCR software then needs to match the font with existing ones in its database, it’s not always possible to come up with an exact match. There are other elements in a scanned file that sometimes cannot be detected by the converter, like line breaks, footnotes and bulleted lists, but PCE 3 comes the closest to performing an accurate scanned image conversion.
With the help of this software, users can convert scanned documents that are saved as BMP, JPG or TIFF files into MS Word or Excel. The conversion process is very simple, with only a few steps to follow.
- Click on the Open tab in the menu bar and, browsing through your files, select a scanned image you wish to convert.
- After opening your chosen document, click on the Convert tab and from the drop-down menu select either “Image to Word” or “Image to Excel”, depending on which format you want to convert your image into.
- After you click on your chosen conversion, you will see a green button in the dynamic sidebar on the right. If you are converting to Excel, just click on the “Convert to Excel” button. If you are converting to Word, you’ll need to select your output type (.rtf, .doc, or .docx) and click on the “Convert to Word” button.
- If your scanned document is saved in PDF, you will similarly use the “Convert” button in the menu bar to convert your image to some other editable format, like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher or HTML.
Viewing and converting scanned images with PDF Converter Elite 3 is quick, smooth and easy and most importantly, the software provides quality converted documents.
Get PDF Converter Elite 3 from its home page.
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