Aero 8 Glow – the best looking Windows 7 theme port for Windows 8
White theme for Windows 8
How to unlock the hidden display off timeout for the Lock screen in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
The Lock screen, new to Windows 8, is a fancy feature which allows you to display an image while your PC/tablet is locked and displays other useful information.
However, when the PC is locked, the normal display off timeout value has no effect on it and you cannot specify the timeout value after which the screen will turn off while you are on the Lock screen. Turns out, there is a hidden registry setting for this and enabling it even turns it on in the Power Options control panel GUI - the same window where you specify other power related timeouts. Let me show you how.
Download Registry tweak to unlock GUI for the Lock Screen display off timeout
Registry tweak to unlock GUI for the Lock Screen display off timeout.
When your PC is locked, the normal display off timeout value has no effect on it and you cannot specify the timeout value after which the screen will turn off while you are on the Lock screen. Turns out, there is a hidden registry setting for this and enabling it even turns it on in the Power Options control panel GUI - the same window where you specify other power related timeout.
This works in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
Macrocosmos theme for Windows 8
Unlock the hidden Lock Screen Slideshow (Picture Frame) feature in Windows 8.1 aka ‘Blue’
There are lots of secrets in the recently leaked Windows Blue build (the upcoming Windows 8.1 update). We already discovered new shell commands and shell locations, covered the new Modern File Manager and the new Bing-powered Search pane. Today, we are going to share few registry tweaks which will allow you to customize the brand new Lock Screen feature - called Picture Frame. Windows Blue allows you to turn your PC/tablet into a picture frame. This feature will swap a set of images from the folder you specify via the "PC Settings" applet.
When Picture Frame is enabled, it looks as follows: member Ultrawindows has discovered some hidden registry tweaks which will allow you to customize the "Picture Frame" feature behavior.
Spring theme for Windows 8
How to change a Windows theme from the command prompt
Many people, including my friends, often ask me how to change a Windows theme from the command prompt without opening the Explorer window. They want to apply the custom theme they have installed from the command line. Unfortunately, Windows does not provide any native or user-friendly way to change the current theme and apply *.theme file silently. Today, I would like to provide you with an easy-to-use solution - our brand new release: Winaero Theme Switcher.
Download Winaero Theme Switcher
Winaero Theme Switcher.
Winaero Theme Switcher is a lightweight portable tool available for Windows 7 and Windows 8. It allows you to apply a Windows theme via command prompt.
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