
Disable .NET Core Updates in Microsoft Windows Update

How to Disable .NET Core Updates in Microsoft Windows Update

Microsoft has changed the way the company delivers updates for the .NET Core software on Windows. It is now included to Microsoft Updates, and will receive updates along with other company's products. For interested users Microsoft puts extra controls to prevent .NET Core (all versions) from getting updates automatically.

How to Add Change Owner Context Menu in Windows 10

How to Add Change Owner Context Menu in Windows 10

Sometimes you need to get full access to some file or folder in Windows 10. It can be a system file or folder, or one which was created by a user account that no longer exists. In most cases, the Windows operating system will prevent you from doing any operation on such files and folders. In this case, it is very useful to see the current owner and be able to quickly change it.

Windows 10 Builds 19041.662 and 19042.662 reached preview with KB4586853

Microsoft has released Windows 10 Build 19041.662 (version 2004) and Build 19042.662 (version 20H2). The update is out with KB4586853, and comes with a lengthy list of general fixes and improvements. Here's the change log.

Windows Feature Experience Pack will bring new features to older releases

Microsoft has started testing Windows Feature Experience Pack, a new way to deliver features to Windows 10 users. It will allow the company to improve certain features and experiences that are now developed independently of the OS.

Project Latte will bring native Android apps to Windows 10 Desktop

Microsoft is working on a new software layer that will allow Android apps to run in Windows 10 with no modification from app developers (or with a slight modification for some apps). Currently known as Project Latte, it will also allow devs to publish their Android apps on Microsoft Store, so users will be able to get them the same way they get modern Windows apps today.

Disable Settings Header Banner in Windows 10 2004 and 20H2

How to Disable Settings Header Banner in Windows 10 2004 and 20H2

Windows 10 version 2004 and 20H2 enable the new header banner in the Settings app for many users. Initially available to a small select group if Insiders, it is now appears for regular users too. Let's review how to get rid of the header in Settings in Windows 10.

Enable or Disable Adjust for Daylight Saving Time in Windows 10

How to Enable or Disable Adjust for Daylight Saving Time Automatically in Windows 10

Daylight saving time (DST), also daylight savings time or daylight time (the United States and Canada) and summer time (United Kingdom, European Union, and others), is the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls later each day according to the clock.  Many applications and cloud services reference the underlying Windows operating system for daylight saving time (DST) and time zone (TZ) information.

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