
Disable App Access To Location In Windows 10

Location privacy settings is part of the Settings application which allows you to customize your location access permissions for apps and users. Recent Windows 10 builds can be configured to allow or deny access to the location for your installed apps and the operating system itself. Only if allowed, the OS and installed apps will be able to use your location data.

How to Adjust App Sound Individually in Windows 10

In Windows 10, many users are getting confused about how to adjust the sound volume on a per-app basis. Due to user interface changes, Microsoft added new, touch-friendly audio volume controls. If you left click the Sound icon in the notification area, it is possible to change only the master volume. Here is how to adjust the sound volume per app in Windows 10.

Disable Streamlined Pairing to Bluetooth in Windows 10

Starting with Windows 10 build 17093, the OS allows pairing and connecting supported devices with just one click. When such a device is ready to pair and present in the Bluetooth transmitter's range, click on the notification toast to proceed.

How to Install Windows 10 for ARM in QEMU

ARM64 chips are considered more energy efficient compared to x86 CPUs from Intel and AMD. Using the new platform, OEMs are able to create even smaller, lighter and powerful devices with the power of full Windows 10. There is a way to install and try Windows 10 for ARM SoCs in QEMU. Here is how.

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