User Account Control, or just UAC is a part of the Windows security system which prevents apps from making unwanted changes on your PC. For extra security, you may want to enable an extra Ctrl + Alt + Del dialog when prompted by UAC.
Category: Windows 10
Change Translucent Selection Rectangle Color in Windows 10
The translucent selection rectangle represents the selection when you left-click and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse pointer over items in File Explorer or on the Desktop to select them. It has a border of a solid color, and filled by a translucent version of the same color. Here is how to change it.
Cumulative Updates for .NET Framework for Windows 10
Microsoft today announced updates in a cumulative format for .NET Framework. Previously, this product was receiving updates via Windows Update nearly every month. This has changed starting with Windows 10 October 2018 Update.
Create Storage Space for Storage Pool in Windows 10
Storage Spaces helps protect your data from drive failures and extend storage over time as you add drives to your PC. You can use Storage Spaces to group two or more drives together in a storage pool and then use capacity from that pool to create virtual drives called storage spaces. Here is how to create a new storage space for the existing storage pool.
Microsoft Discontinues Local Experience Packs as CAB Files for Windows 10
Starting in Windows 10 version 1809 "October 2018 Update", Microsoft will discontinue language packs in the CAB format. As you may already know, Windows 10 version 1803, which is the latest stable version of the OS as of this writing, has introduced Local Experience Packs, also referred to as LXPs. Local Experience Packs are AppX packages delivered via the Microsoft Store that enable users to experience Windows features like the Start Menu, Settings, and File Explorer in the language of their choice. In Windows 10 version 1809, they will replace the classic CAB file format for language packs.
Windows 10 Build 18242 Released (Skip Ahead)
Microsoft today released Windows 10 Build 18242 to Windows Insiders who have opted in to Skip Ahead. This build doesn't include new features. It comes with bug fixes only.
Windows 10 Build 17763 Released (Fast Ring)
Windows 10 Build 17763 from the 'Redstone 5' branch, now officially known as 'Windows 10 October 2018 Update', is out for Fast Ring Insiders. Development of Windows 10 version 1809 "October 2018 Update" is over, so all of the recently released builds address a set of minor issues found in the OS. This build is not an exception.
Download Windows 10 Build 17758 Official ISO Images
Microsoft today released the official ISO images for Windows 10 Build 17758, which is the most recent build released to the Slow Ring. Interested users can download them and install the OS from scratch.
Windows 10 Build 17758.4 is out via KB4462120 (Slow Ring)
Microsoft is releasing a new update for Insiders in the Slow Ring. The update package KB4462120 raises Windows 10 version to Build 17758.4. As you may remember, Windows 10 Build 17758 was recently released to the Slow Ring, so the update addresses a number of issues that can be found in the original release.
Create Ubuntu Virtual Machines with Hyper-V Quick Create
If you are frequently using Hyper-V, you might be pleasantly surprised to know that Microsoft has added a new Ubuntu virtual machine image to the Hyper-V Quick Create feature. It takes exactly one click now to get a working Ubuntu instance.