Windows 10 is set to check for updates automatically unless you disable this feature manually. If you run into problems when using Windows Update, the following table with Windows Update's common error codes can be helpful.
Category: Windows 10
Disable Translucent Selection Rectangle in Windows 10
The translucent selection rectangle represents the selection when you left-click and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse pointer over items in File Explorer or on the Desktop to select them. It has a border of a solid color, and filled by a translucent version of the same color.
Disable Numerical Sorting in File Explorer in Windows 10
File Explorer is the default file management app which is bundled with Windows starting with Windows 95. Besides file management operations, Explorer.exe also implements the shell - the Desktop, taskbar, desktop icons and also the Start menu are parts of the Explorer app.
All Ways to Enable Narrator in Windows 10
Narrator is a screen-reading app built into Windows 10. Narrator lets users with vision issues to use PC and complete common tasks. Today, we review all possible ways to enable or disable Narrator in recent Windows 10 versions.
How to Enable and Use Hyper-V in Windows 10
Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 come with Client Hyper-V so you can run a supported guest operating system inside a Virtual Machine. Hyper-V is Microsoft's native hypervisor for Windows. It was originally developed for Windows Server 2008 and then ported to Windows client OS. It has improved over time and is present in the latest Windows 10 release as well. Here is how to enable and use this feature.
Add Windows Mode Context Menu in Windows 10 (Light or Dark Theme)
As you may already know, Windows 10 comes with two color schemes for Store apps. The default one is light, there is also a darker one. Starting in Windows 10 Build 18282, that represents Windows 10 19H1, also known as "version 1903", you can apply the light or dark theme separately to Windows and to the Store apps.
Firefox 65: New Content Blocking Settings
In Firefox 65, Mozilla is changing the appearance and features of the Content Blocking settings. Version 65 introduces three different modes that you can select to apply various levels of content blocking and filtering.
Disable Narrator Keyboard Shortcut in Windows 10
Narrator is a screen-reading app built into Windows 10. Narrator lets users with vision issues to use PC and complete common tasks. In recent Windows 10 versions, the Win+Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut is assigned to turn on the Narrator. Here is how to enable or disable it.
All Ways to Open Folder Options in Windows 10
Folder Options is a special dialog that allows changing settings and preferences for the built-in file manager of Windows 10. The dialog includes three tabs General, View, and Search. The changes you made here can be applied to all folders.
Windows 10 Sticky Notes Will Allow Adding Images To Your Notes
Sticky Notes is a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app which is bundled with Windows 10 starting in "Anniversary Update" and comes with a number of features which the classic desktop app didn't have. A new announcement reveals that the app will get support for image attachments in notes.