
Search for Similar Images on Bing with Windows 10 Photos app

Windows 10 ships with a Photos app which replaced the Windows Photo Viewer and Photo Gallery. Its tile is pinned to the Start menu. It comes with tight integration with Microsoft's very own cloud solution, OneDrive. A new version of the app allows searching for similar images on Bing directly without opening the browser.

Make Navigation Pane Expand to Open Folder in Windows 10

The Navigation pane is a special area on the left of File Explorer which shows the folders and system places like This PC, Network, Libraries and so on. You can make it automatically expand to the open folder, so it will show the full directory tree.

Find Current System Locale in Windows 10

As you may already know from previous articles, Windows 10 supports changing the display language using language packs. If you are working in a localized user account in Windows 10 which is your native language, you might be interested in learning what language is used for older apps that doesn't support Unicode. Here are a number of methods you can use.

PowerToys are now open source with Windows 10 support

You may remember PowerToys, a set of tiny handy utilities which were first introduced in Windows 95. Probably, most users will recollect TweakUI and QuickRes, which were really useful. The last version of the classic PowerToys suite was released for Windows XP. In 2019, Microsoft announced that they are reviving PowerToys for Windows and making them open source. Windows 10 powertoys obviously are completely new and different, tailored for the new operating system.

Log Disk Quota Limit and Warning Level Exceeded Events in Windows 10

As you may already know, NTFS, the standard file system of the Windows NT operating system family, supports disk quotas. Quotas help administrators track and control disk space usage by users. If you have enabled quotas for users, you can turn on logging for events like Disk Quota Limit Exceeded and Disk Quota Warning Level Exceeded. Here are various methods you can use to enable the logs.

Windows 10 Photos app now includes a better Crop feature, and more

Windows 10 ships with a Photos app which replaced the Windows Photo Viewer and Photo Gallery. Its tile is pinned to the Start menu. It comes with tight integration with Microsoft's very own cloud solution, OneDrive. A new version of the app allows cropping images without switching to Edit mode.

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