
How To Run Skype 4.3 for Linux After November 2017

As you may already know, Microsoft has killed the good old Skype for Linux version 4.3. The classic app written in Qt, which was fast and lightweight, can no longer be used because it can't sign-in to the service. Here is a quick workaround that will revive the app for you.

Skype for Linux Drops AMD CPU Support

As you may already know, Microsoft is developing a new Skype version for the Linux OS. Unlike previous 4.x versions of Skype, which are considered classic, the new app is Electron-based and comes with its own Chromium engine. Essentially, it is a wrapper for the web version of Skype, with some enhancements. If you have a 5 year-old CPU made by AMD, you may run into an issue that recent versions of Skype won't start at all.

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