
Firefox 75 Strips https:// and www From Address Bar Results

Like most of the modern browsers, Firefox shows suggestions when you type in the address bar. Those suggestions are based on your recent browsing history, include bookmarks, and may include search engine suggestions. The upcoming version 75 of Firefox strips the https:// and www portions from the suggestion URL.

Enable Lazy Loading for Images and Iframes in Firefox

How to Enable Lazy Loading for Images and Iframes in Firefox

An interesting feature is coming to Firefox, which will significantly decrease the page loading time in the browser. A native ability to postpone image and iframe loading is already landed in the Nightly version of Firefox 75.

Enable Site Specific Browser in Firefox

How to Enable Site Specific Browser in Firefox

Starting with version Firefox 73, the browser includes a new feature, 'Site Specific Browser', which allows running any web site like a Desktop app, in its own window. It is similar to the Kiosk mode, but doesn't force the selected web page to run fullscreen. Here is how to enable it.

Automatically Export Bookmarks To HTML File in Firefox

How to Automatically Export Bookmarks To HTML File in Firefox

It is possible to configure Mozilla Firefox to automatically export bookmarks to an HTML file. This can be enabled with a hidden option in about:config. When enabled, the browser will automatically export your bookmarks to an HTML file and save it under your Firefox profile, typically stored under C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile_name>.default\bookmarks.

Import and Export Bookmarks to HTML File in Firefox

How to Import and Export Bookmarks to an HTML File in Firefox

If you have a bunch of bookmarks in the Mozilla Firefox browser, you might be interested in exporting them to an HTML file. This is extremely useful because you can have a backup of your bookmarks. Also, you can open that file later on some other PC or mobile device where Firefox is not installed. You can also import the HTML file in another browser on the same PC or another device.

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