
How to disable ads in Skype’s chat window

Previously, we covered a trick which gets rid of Skype ads by modifying the language file. Unfortunately, this method stopped working in newer versions of Skype. Another annoyance in newer versions of Skype is that banner ads are shown right in the chat window. Today, we would like to share another simple method to disable ads in Skype's chat window which works regardless of the version of Windows you have.

Note: Here is an updated tutorial with advanced options applicable to Skype 7 and above. Read it here:

How to disable ads in Skype [updated for recent versions]

  1. Go to the Control Panel (see all the ways to open Control Panel)
  2. Locate and open the Control Panel\Network and Internet\Internet Options item.
    Internet Options
  3. Switch to the Security tab.
  4. Click on 'Restricted sites' icon and click the Sites button:
    Security tabThe 'Restricted sites' dialog will appear on the screen.
  5. Type the following in the text box and then press the Add button:
  6. Close Internet Options and restart Skype.

That's it! Enjoy ad-free chat in Skype.

Many thanks to our friend Chris for sharing this tip.

The alternative way is as follows:

  1. Run an elevated instance of the command prompt.
  2. Type the following:
    notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  3. Paste the following text in the end of the file: * * *

This will disable ads in Skype and all other Microsoft ads in other software like Office Starter.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

83 thoughts on “How to disable ads in Skype’s chat window”

        1. To remove all ads everywhere, browser and aps, visit the following website:

          I have been using this approach for at least four years and it works GREAT.

  1. It still shows the little box under the contact list promoting other Skype programs.

    How can we hack this like Trillian?

    1. It can be disabled in Skype’s settings!
      You need no hacks.
      Turn it off in the notification options.

  2. Latest version 6.14 I have replaced with 6.9 and advertisement still displayed: “Skype Premium”, other commercial not yet …, doesn´t work with setting language at startup (login) too! (xp-sp3-cz)

    1. it is not ads, these messages can be turned off in ‘Notifications’ in Skype preferences.

  3. Works! But now when I press the “home” button, I get a page asking me to search address book to find contacts. Before it was a page that updated with my contacts’ statuses. Anyway to get back to the old one?

    1. Just use select Compact view on View menu. Works fine as long as I don’t hit Home button. (The use of it is a secret for me till this date)

        1. Yep. It works.
          I think having a separate app is overkill.
          We can get the same result by editing the hosts file.
          Want to see my lines?

          1. Write them here without asking. Somebody can be interested.

            Don’t hesitate.

            Always share ALL value information. Don’t fear of low-thinking people, that they would bother you.

          2. OK. I used these lines:


  4. Pretty well done!, works,
    only the “Home”-Page doesn’t anymore show the latest status-messages, there is only a “add friends via fb” Button
    -I actually liked that function, we’ll se if I’ll leave it like this (:

  5. Thanks a lot for this information. For me the ads were not only annoying but made Skype almost unusable over a slow remote desktop connection. The ad graphics would bog down the whole connection. Now chatting is almost as responsive as sitting in front of my computer.

  6. it worked, many thanks!! I was really pissed off by the ad’s into skype program at start and into the chatting windows.

  7. I dont have access to modify “Restricted Sites” since this is a work computer. Is there any other way to block these ads?

    Thank you!!

    1. Why you do not have the access there?
      The other way is the modification of the system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.

    1. Try these:

  8. It works!! Thank you!! I actually never thought about disabling the ads, but in this new version they added a new ad on the top which was pretty annoying. That’ll teach them!

  9. On my primary skype account that has been active since around 2007-2008, even with the latest version I don’t get ads across the top wherever I login, without any host file edits or anything (I assume it’s the account age), and came here looking for howto disable the ad in the bottom left, and that solution was in the comments :)

  10. Worked only for a while. When I shutdown then restarted my PC, the ads were back, although the annoying flashing was gone.

    Checked in setup and the app address is still there under the restricted sites..

  11. I am sure Skype is making lots of cash for Microsoft.
    So to see that a windows security feature is able to allow users to purposely disable the cash-flow from Skype is absolutely amazingly stupid for Microsoft not to have thought of that :)

  12. Hi Sergey :)
    Thought I’d share this with you, it’s basically the same thing but made into a .reg file so you can just apply it and boom, done, handy for easy deployment or even to make an app based on these values

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\]

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\\apps]

  13. Marvelous! Now I need to fix all my elderly relatives Skypes, as they keep clicking on the adverts because they look like messages! Thanks.

  14. Errrr…. Its work but the advertisment box (placeholder) still appear with empty advertisement. I’m using Skype 6.22

  15. didn’t work in windows 8, for me. Annoying mouse click every so often, screws me up when working on numerous computers at the same time.

  16. do the steps listed here but then do the following as well and it works Im on the lastest version of skype right now and no ads and no ads placement window with nothing in them

  17. Enjoy using my list :)
    I am sure there are hundreds more to add to the list!

  18. I’ve written a tool that automatically removes the entire Skype advertising. .Therefore you have to enter your username, because the settings are at %AppData%\Skype and then in a folder with the Skype name. But it will not be given to me or third,this shows the fact, that it easily works without Internet.The Tool is Written in German, because I´am from Germany. If you can read in it “Bitte Skype Kontonamen (der nicht aenderbare) eingeben.(Klicke in Skype auf deinen Namen [Oben links]und dann siehst du ihn oben recht unter “Konten”):” It means, that you have to enter your Skype Account name. You can find it, in Skype with an click to your username (at the top right corner) and than you can see it under “Accounts” (At the top right) Tipp: if you have linked with Microsoft, it´s not your Microsoft email Address.If you are interested: This tool is a packed batch with an extra tool to easily add things to hosts file. You can simply unpack with WinRar or 7Zip for example and in the batch I still have some notes for operation made.
    Is recognized scanners at VirusTotal of about 3 of 50 viruses, because it´s changing the hosts file…The Notes in the Batch script are also in German.Hopefully you could understand my bad English.

  19. There‘s an adblocked now called Skypr ( It does more than just editing host file.

  20. I am French and my English is very poor, so I make an effort to give you my experience with Windows 10 64bit enabled home thanks to the free update.

    I used the second method proposed to modify the Host file;
    (For me, I just copied into a new text file on my desk the contents of my Host file and added it appropriate line)

    I then saved the file in .txt file and host have simply copy with administrator rights in c: \ windows \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ (accept replacing the original file with the new course)

    Without restart, I opened Sype latest version ( version) and was able to see immediately pleased pubs had disappeared.

    Works well with your list provided on top Sergey Tkachenko. I want to congratulate you on your work and especially touttes tips you put gracefully at our disposal (as well as congratulate also all your friends to help you by providing you with them also their valuable contribution to your work)

    Sincerely Roger (lechti64)

    ######## In French the traduction :

    Je suis français et mon anglais est fort pauvre , aussi je fais un effort pour vous donner mon expérience avec Windows 10 64bits activée chez moi grace à la mise à jour gratuite .

    J’ai utilisé la seconde méthode proposée , celle de modifier le fichier Host ;
    ( pour ma part , j’ai juste recopié dans un nouveau fichier texte sur mon bureau le contenu de mon fichier Host et y ai ajouté les ligne voulues )

    Ensuite , j’ai enregistré le fichier .txt en fichier host et l’ai simplement copier avec les droits d’administrateur dans c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\ ( acceptez le remplacement du fichier original par le nouveau bien entendu )

    Sans redémarrer , j’ai ouvert Sype dernière version ( version ) et ai pu constater de suite avec plaisir que les pubs avaient disparues .

    Fonctionne à merveille avec votre liste fournie tout en haut Sergey Tkachenko ., je tiens à vous féliciter pour votre travail et surtout touttes les astuces que vous mettez gracieusement à notre disposition ( de même que féliciter aussi tout vos amis qui vous aident en vous apportant eux aussi leur précieuses contribution à votre oeuvre )

    Bien amicalement Roger ( lechti64 )

  21. I have verified that adding the entire list from step 3 to the hosts file still blocks the ads in V7.10.0.101

  22. You seem to have good ideas – eg this adblock thing works.
    Now, it’s nice, but my issue wasn’t really the ads themselves, rather their placement.

    I’m wondering if you know of a way to force them to remain in the chat window as a “top banner” or “side banner”?

    My biggest issue is that as soon as I make the chat window wider (to see long lines in the chat on one line) it puts the banner frame to the side, and as I keep enlarging the window (sideways) it has the audacity to enlarge the
    ad frame as well. It’s friggen annoying. :)


    p.s. Microsoft can’t get a single thing right it seems, when it comes to user-friendliness.

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