Linux Mint is well known for having gorgeous wallpapers shipped with every version of the distro. Linux Mint 18 is not an exception. It also comes with a set of beautiful desktop backgrounds. But it omits some of the background images which were shipped with Linux Mint previously. Here is how to get them.

Download Gorgeous Wallpapers from Linux Mint 18.1
It is a set of 22 images which means even if you use one of them each as your desktop background daily, you will not be bored for quite some time. However, if you are missing some of the great images from a previous Linux Mint version, or you got bored with these new images, and want to extend the collection of pre-installed images in your operating system, here is what you have to do to install the earlier images.
The maintainers of the Linux Mint project provide wallpapers in separate packages. Packages are named appropriately as per the distro version's code name. The following wallpapers are available:
mint-backgrounds-maya - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 13 Maya
mint-backgrounds-nadia - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 14 Nadia
mint-backgrounds-olivia - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 15 Olivia
mint-backgrounds-petra - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 16 Petra
mint-backgrounds-qiana - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 17 Qiana
mint-backgrounds-rafaela - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela
mint-backgrounds-rebecca - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca
mint-backgrounds-retro - Backgrounds from early versions of Linux Mint
mint-backgrounds-rosa - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa
mint-backgrounds-sarah - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 18 Sarah
mint-backgrounds-serena - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint 18.1 Serena
mint-backgrounds-xfce - Desktop backgrounds from Linux Mint Xfce
You can install them individually or all at once.
To install Previous Linux Mint Wallpapers in Mint 18, open the root terminal and type the following command:
apt-get install mint-backgrounds-*
This will install all the wallpaper packages available in the repository.
To install a specific package, execute the command like this:
apt-get install mint-backgrounds-rosa
Replace the package name using the list above if needed.
You can find all installed wallpapers in the following folder:
They are arranged there in folders. Each folder represents the appropriate Linux Mint version.
That's it.
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thank you but i haven’t use Linux Mint a lot
Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for!