
Valve is banning games on Steam that include AI-generated images and text

Valve has implemented a new policy to check for AI-generated content in new games on their Steam platform. If developers fail to provide proof of rights to the libraries used by the AI to create game elements, Valve will block those games from being released.

potterharry97, a developer with multiple games on Steam, shared that Valve refused to release their new game due to the presence of AI-generated assets. Valve requested potterharry97 to demonstrate ownership of the necessary rights for all content used to train the AI.

However, the developer did not possess these rights. They manually modified the assets to ensure they did not resemble previously AI-generated content. Despite resubmitting the game for review, Valve's moderators rejected it after a week. Previously, the review process for potterharry97's games took only a couple of days. Here's what the company's response looks like.

Valve Ai Generated Content Letter
Image courtesy of Simon Carless.

So, Valve is refusing to release projects that utilize AI-generated content based on copyrighted material. It is likely that Valve is concerned about potential legal issues from library copyright holders and finds it easier to deny game releases upfront to avoid such complications.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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