
The new Xbox dashboard is now available for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One

The Xbox team has revealed that a revamped homepage will now roll out on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One consoles. The team aimed to incorporate user feedback in the development of the new dashboard, such as providing more room for background images and making important sections of the system more accessible.

Xbox New Dashboard Ui

The new Xbox Home experience will start rolling out today to a subset of all Xbox consoles. The updated UI reduces tile sizes and features a responsive game art function that updates the background when hovering over specific games and apps.

What's new in the updated Xbox dashboard

  1. Now you will find Library, Microsoft Store, Xbox Game Pass, search, and system settings at the top of the home page for faster access.
  2. Tiles with recent games and apps have moved to the bottom of the screen, showing bigger backgrounds.
  3. The dashboard can now use game's cover image as the background. This new feature is optional.
  4. Improved search.
  5. Users can now pin games, communities, and options like Quick Resume, making the home screen more customizable.
  6. The updated Friends and Community Updates section shows the latest news and other actual information.
  7. The "Watch & listen" category now shows the multimedia content available to the user from entertainment applications.

Microsoft is rolling out the updated dashboard to Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One consoles gradually, with everyone should get the update within a few weeks.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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