The new Outlook app for Windows finally gets Gmail support

Microsoft has made some significant updates to the preview version of the Outlook client for Windows, which users can start using now. The new client now has support for Gmail accounts, allowing users to access their calendar and contacts stored in Google. This is a major change since the application previously only supported personal and work Microsoft accounts.

Additionally, Microsoft plans to add support for other email services like Yahoo and iCloud in the future. These updates will provide users with more flexibility and convenience when it comes to managing their email accounts and schedules.

The developers have added several new features to Outlook for Windows, including the integration of Microsoft Editor service, the ability to create polls in emails, and the option to delay sending emails. There are also many other features that have been added to the new version of Outlook for Windows, all of which are summarized below.

  • Microsoft Editor integration. Added extensive options for editing, spell checking and automatic completion of sentences.
  • Added support for sending survey emails to speed up decision making (only available for work and school accounts).
  • Added the ability to delay sending emails for up to 10 seconds so you have time to unsend. This is useful if you spotted a typo at the last minute, forgot to mention the other person, or just want to make minor edits.
  • Added the ability to join a conference in Skype or Teams from the Outlook client for Windows.
  • Added the ability to pin important emails to the top of your inbox so you don't forget to keep track of them.
  • Added support for Google Calendar.
  • Now you can add multiple shared calendars.
  • Added support for multiple time zones.
  • Weather can now be displayed in the Calendar section.

Microsoft has plans to add more personalization options, improve the calendar experience, and provide support for offline work and ICS files in future updates to Outlook for Windows.

All of these features are designed to make Outlook for Windows more versatile, user-friendly, and efficient, making it easier for users to manage their emails and schedules.

Currently, the new version of Outlook is in the testing phase and is not yet available to all users. However, if you see a "Try New Outlook" toggle in the top right corner of the Mail app, you can use it to switch to using the new version of Outlook.

This will allow you to take advantage of the new features and improvements being made to the application. It's exciting to see that Microsoft is committed to making Outlook for Windows a better and more user-friendly email client for its users.

via Microsoft

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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