
Switch between multiple displays (monitors) directly with a shortcut or from the command line in Windows 7 and Windows 8

If you have multiple displays or an external projector, you might be familiar with the built-in feature of Windows 7 and Windows 8 to change the active display and the sharing mode of your current desktop. When you press Win+P, you can choose to extend your desktop, duplicate it, or turn off one of the displays entirely. It is possible to control this feature via the command line, so you can create a shortcut any of these 4 settings. Let's see how it can be done.

How to pin folders, drives, files or any shortcut to the Taskbar in Windows 8 and Windows 7

Microsoft introduced a redesigned taskbar in Windows 7, which got rid of the Quick Launch toolbar. Even though Quick Launch can be put back, the larger icons on the new Taskbar are better for today's resolutions. Also, with the new Taskbar, Microsoft added 1-click pinning of items. Unfortunately, not everything can be pinned to the Taskbar. For example, folders or disk drives cannot be pinned directly, nor can you pin files directly. Pinning Control Panel items, Libraries, special commands also isn't easy. Luckily, Winaero has Taskbar Pinner for our readers.

A list of Windows Remote Desktop (RDP) keyboard shortcuts

Previously we covered the ultimate list of all Windows keyboard shortcuts with Win keys as well as the complete list of the keyboard shortcuts for the Modern Mail app in Windows. Today we would like to explore some of the keyboard shortcuts used over Windows Remote Desktop (RDP).

FIX: USB device remains active after you safely eject it in Windows 7 or Windows 8

You may have noticed that in Windows 7 and Windows 8, USB devices continue to charge and do not power off even after you have safely removed them. For example, the power LED of your USB stick remains illuminated or an external USB hard drive continues to spin after ejecting them safely. In case, you are not happy with this behavior because the device isn't powered off, and want to get your device powered off completely on safe removal, here is how to change it.

How to free up space on your disk drive by compressing the Windows hibernation file

Our readers constantly ask us that Windows is taking up a lot of their disk space on the OS volume and that the free space is constantly reducing as they install updates and new apps. Previously, we covered some ways to get free disk space back by cleaning up the Windows Component Store on Windows 8.1/Windows 8 and Windows 7. We also showed how you can automate Disk Cleanup and run it directly in the system files mode. Today we would like to show you how you can free up disk space by enabling compression on your Windows hibernation file.

How to create a bootable USB stick to install Windows in Windows 8 or Windows 7

If you do not have an optical drive for reading DVDs or Blu-Rays in your PC but have an ISO image of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you might be interested in learning how to create a bootable USB stick from the ISO file. It can be done without using any third party software in Windows 8.1 or Windows 8, but in Windows 7 you need some tool to extract the ISO file. Personally, I always use the USB stick to install Windows because it works much faster than the DVD drive and is easy to update. Let's see how you can create it.

How to change a pinned app’s shortcut icon on the Taskbar and refresh Explorer icon cache

In Windows 7, Microsoft redesigned the Taskbar and introduced the concept of pinning shortcuts, which were earlier stored in the Quick Launch. However, once you pin a shortcut changing the icon of the pinned shortcut isn't so easy because of a bug in Windows. Let's see how to change it.

How to repair Explorer showing incorrect icons by deleting and rebuilding the icon cache

Sometimes Windows shows incorrect icons for various file types and even a forced refresh of icons does not work. This usually is a result of the Windows icon cache getting corrupted due to an improper shutdown. In this case, you can delete the icon cache and restart Explorer so Windows will freshly rebuild the icon cache again. Let's see how to do this.

Get the Work Folders feature of Windows 8.1 for Windows 7

Windows 8.1 includes a new feature for corporate workers called Work Folders. Work Folders is a Windows Server 2012 R2 feature for file servers. In the new trend of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to work, corporate workers need to access work files on their personal PCs - files which are stored on corporate PCs. The personal PC or device may not be a part of the corporate network. Work Folders allows synchronizing work files on PCs inside the corporate network with your personal computers.

How to bring back Windows 7 classic internet games on Windows 8

Windows 8 entirely removed all classic games that always used to ship with Windows, including the ones that you play against the computer as well as the ones that you play with real people on the web using Microsoft's online matchmaking service which finds an opponent of your skill. If you still have Windows 7 installed on another partition and you try to run the games, they won't run. Here is how you can run them.

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