Add Network Location Type Context Menu in Windows 10

When you are signing in to your account for the very first time, Windows 10 asks you which kind of network you are connecting to: Private or Public. If you decide later to change the access type of the network you are connected to, you can add a useful context menu to the Desktop in Windows 10 to do it faster.

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Change network location type with PowerShell in Windows 10

In one of my previous articles, I wrote how you can change the network location type (Public or Private) in Windows 10. Today, I would like to share with you how it can be done with PowerShell.

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Change network location type (Public or Private) in Windows 10

The Windows 10 Settings UI and the Network flyout is completely different from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. The options have been moved around and it is not clear how to change the network type - private or public. I would like to share how you can change the network location type in Windows 10.
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