Change Magnifier View in Windows 10

How to Change Magnifier View in Windows 10

Magnifier is an accessibility tool bundled with Windows 10. When enabled, Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better. Magnifier supports a number of views you can switch to. Here's how. Continue reading "Change Magnifier View in Windows 10"

Change Where to Keep Text Cursor While Using Magnifier in Windows 10

How to Change Where to Keep Text Cursor while using Magnifier in Windows 10

Magnifier is an accessibility tool bundled with Windows 10. When enabled, Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better. In recent Windows 10 builds, Magnifier has an ability to keep the text cursor in the center of the screen making it easier and smoother to type. Continue reading "Change Where to Keep Text Cursor While Using Magnifier in Windows 10"

Add Magnifier Context Menu in Windows 10

How to Add Magnifier Context Menu in Windows 10

Magnifier is an accessibility tool bundled with Windows 10. When enabled, Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better. For faster access to Magnifier options and features, you can add a context menu to the Desktop. Continue reading "Add Magnifier Context Menu in Windows 10"

Windows Magnifier Command Line Arguments (magnify.exe)

The List of Windows Magnifier Command Line Arguments (magnify.exe)

Magnifier is an accessibility tool bundled with Windows 10. When enabled, Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better. It possible to start Magnifier before you sign in to your user account. A lesser known feature of Magnifier are command line arguments that define the default view for Magnifier. Continue reading "Windows Magnifier Command Line Arguments (magnify.exe)"

Automatically Start Magnifier Before Login in Windows 10

How to Automatically Start Magnifier Before Login in Windows 10

Magnifier is an accessibility tool bundled with Windows 10. When enabled, Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better. It possible to start Magnifier before you sign in to your user account. Here are two methods you can use to enable this feature. Continue reading "Automatically Start Magnifier Before Login in Windows 10"

Windows 10 Magnifier Keyboard Shortcuts (Hotkeys)

The list of Magnifier Keyboard Shortcuts (Hotkeys) in Windows 10

Magnifier is an accessibility tool bundled with Windows 10. When enabled, Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better. It supports a set of keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) you can use to manage it in a useful way. Continue reading "Windows 10 Magnifier Keyboard Shortcuts (Hotkeys)"

Start and Stop Magnifier in Windows 10

How to Start and Stop Magnifier in Windows 10

Magnifier is an accessibility tool bundled with Windows 10. When enabled, Magnifier makes part or all of your screen bigger so you can see words and images better. There are a number of methods you can use to quickly open it. Continue reading "Start and Stop Magnifier in Windows 10"

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