Unlike the good old Start menu in Windows 7, the Start menu in Windows 10 does not come with any option to add the Run command. Many users prefer to have a clickable item to open the Run dialog. It can be useful especially for mouse and touchpad users who really miss the Run item in Windows 10's Start Menu. I already covered how it could be done in early Technical Preview builds of Windows 10. Here are updated instructions to add the Run command to the Start menu in Windows 10 RTM.
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Tag: Run command
Add Run to Start menu in Windows 10 on the left or right side
Unlike the good old Start menu in Windows 7, the Start menu in Windows 10 do not come with an easy option to add the Run command. Many users prefer to have a clickable item to open the Run dialog. Personally, I love and always use Win + R keyboard shortcut, but for mouse and touchpad users who really miss the Run item in Windows 10's Start Menu, here is a very simple way to get something similar to Windows 7's Run command.
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